Chapter 33

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Amelia POV

Once I had made my way back to my dorm, Katie told the Angel and Alicia to leave. She didn't talk to me just let me cry it out. It was all my fault I had to ruin what we had. "How about I go and get some food for you. While I'm gone wash your face for me." I was crying for almost an hour now. I wanted to stop but couldn't.

All I could remember was Fred walking away, looking so hurt. I hurt him I did this to him. The more I thought about it the more I felt myself break. The tears were still falling down my cheeks at this point I couldn't be bothered to wipe them away, there was no point more would just come. Katie arrived in a matter of minutes she had a tray in her hands filled with all kinds of food. It made me feel slightly better but I was still crying on the inside.

Fred POV

I couldn't even look at her. I wanted to hug her and kiss her, but I kept picturing her with that stupid Slytherin boy. The two of them kissing her hands touching her body. I always had a bad feeling about him, and now my Amelia had gone and kissed him. My vision was soon blurry and tears were rolling down my cheeks.

I knew if I stayed for longer it would be over for us. Amelia let out the loudest sobs, it hurt me to see her like this. I didn't know how I felt about the entire situation. I was confused angry and so sad.

Before heading to the dorms I made my way to the bathroom splashing my face with cold water. My eyes were red from all the crying, my cheeks were all puffy. My hands were practically shaking, I almost felt numb at this point. I made my way towards my dorms not knowing what to feel.

"Hey, Fred what did Amelia-. Woah what happened to you." I could feel myself on the verge of tears when I hear Lee say Amelia's name.

"We broke up," I said it so softly barely able to hear what I had said. Just saying it made me feel sick. I sat down on my bed, my head looking down at the floor. The tears began again as I let the whirlpool of emotions hit me.

"Buddy I'm so sorry." Lee was encouraging me to move on, but I didn't want to. I wanted to be with her.

Amelia POV

Katie had tried her best to put me in a good mood but nothing worked. She asked to call over Ginny and Hermione, but I said no. Ginny would be mad at me for cheating on Fred and Hermione would be anxious about studying. Katie had gone to bed by eleven, she had Quidditch practise tomorrow which meant Fred would be there. 

I lay on my back tears falling occasionally. I thought about Fred and how I had ruined our relationship and our friendship. How were we meant to go back to be friends? I must have been really tired, because I soon felt my eyes close, dreaming about me and Fred.

I dreamt that everything was okay and I was showing him around the muggle world. We were back at the arcade playing our favourite game, I was about to win and then I did. I jumped up and down before kissing Fred, I pulled away to see it was Eric. "Kiss me, Amelia." His arm was wrapped tightly around my waist, I could feel the pain rushing through me.

My body jolted up from my nightmare. "It's only a dream, It's only a dream," I whispered to myself. My heart was pounding terribly fast and my breathing had increased. I was about to make my way to the common room but was scared I would run into Fred. I knew if I saw him I wouldn't be able to stop crying.

Fred POV

I had barely gotten any sleep. I was tossing and turning in my bed, of course, I had Quidditch practice on a Saturday morning. Luckily we didn't have a match until after the exams ended, giving me enough time to get over her. I don't think I would ever get over her, she was the girl of my dreams.

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