Chapter 21

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Amelia's POV

The smell of hair spray filled the air. Clothes were all over the floor, makeup was all over the desk, and there was way too much jewellery. It was December 31st Ginny, Hermione, Katie and I were all getting ready for the party. All houses were invited and the party would be taking place in the  Gryffindor common room. 

New years was always a great time for partying and drinking. Ginny was stressing out on what dress to wear, and the fact that Harry was going to be there. "Ginny borrow my black one, it looks so good on you." I used to wear that dress, it doesn't fit me anymore, and it looks way better on  Ginny.

"Are you sure?" It was clear she wanted to wear it. "Ginny the dress doesn't even fit me-

-and it looks better on you." Katie added as she applied a thick layer of mascara. I began to diffuse my hair so my curls looked more bouncy than usual. "Thank you." she rushed into the bathroom. Hermione was sitting on the bed waiting for us to get ready. Her hair looked gorgeous and the dress she was wearing allowed her curves to be seen. 

 I had already done my makeup, I used most of Katie's makeup. I placed some silver in the inner corner of my eye and Katie helped with the eyeliner. Even though the girl was seen as a tomboy she was obsessed with makeup and she was really good at it.

Once I was done with my hair, I grabbed my dress. Mum bought it for me when we went shopping on my last day. The dress came down to my lower thighs, the thin straps came down into a V-neck accenting my boobs. "Oh, Godrick Amelia you look amazing. Fred is going to be drooling." Hermione was always good at hyping me up. "Thanks, Mione"  Ginny soon walked out the door, the black dress looked stunning on her. It was similar to mine, but a bit longer. "Ginny you look great. Harry will not be able to resist." The stupid boy had not made a move on her since Christmas. I would have to help him out tonight. "So Mione you gonna do anything with Ron?" I teased as she flushed a bright red. "I don't know. I hope so." Since the start of year 1  Hermione always liked ron, the situation was sort of similar to mine and Fred. Except Fred and I were finally dating. 

Soon Katie slipped into her dress. The silver colour looked so great on her. The dress was tight showing the outline of her body. I wish I had her body. I put my heels on which were a shimmery silver.

The four of us made are way done the stairs. I could hear the thumping of the music echoing throughout the hallway. It was around ten-thirty and I could already see couples snoggin in the hallway. Once we entered the common room it was packed with drunk teenagers stumbling all over the place. 

My eyes scanned the room looking for Fred, or any of the boys. "Oh I see Lee." yelled Katie before I could pass the information to Ginny and Hermione I saw Ginny walking towards Neville and Luna, while Hermione  was walking towards Cho.  Katie grabbed my hand eager to see Lee. Her mission was to have him drooling by the end of the night. We made our way to Lee pushing and shoving anyone that came our way. "Hi Lee." her voice was seductive. Where did she get all this confidence from. I could smell fire whisky on her breath, how did she have time to drink I've been next to her this entire time. 

"Kat you look amazing." he looked her up and down, Katie was blushing at the sound of her nick name. "Lets go dance." Katie was smiling like crazy and just like that the two were off and I was alone. I decided to look for Harry, the boy was standing awkwardly near the fire place. "Harry, have you seen Ginny as yet." I asked walking up to him. He cleaned up well. His hair was a bit messy, he had a white button up along with black pants. "Yea she's talking to Neville." 

"Why don't you ask her to dance." I handed him a glass of firewhisky for confidence. "No she'll reject me." he said while sipping the fire whisky. "Harry she spent the last hour stressing about which dress would help her get your attention. Finsih you firewhisky and ask her to dance." His eyes lit up when he heard me talk about her. "Alright I'm going in." I watched as he made her way up to her. Ginny looked so happy, it looked a bit awkward at first but Harry began to losen up to the sound of the music.

I felt two strong arms go around my waist. I didn't have to turn around to know it was no other than Fred. He spun me around and placed his lips on mine. I could taste the firewhisky, I ran my fingers through his hair, a moan escaping my lips. "We can't do it now love, we're at a party." I giggled at his joke. "How about we dance for now." Fred brought out his hand, grabbing it we made our way to the dance floor.

Fred and I danced for what felt like fifteen minutes but was around an hour. His hands were on my waist and we swayed with the music. I could hear people beginning to count down. 

"10... 9..." Fred and I joining the count down. 

A new year was starting. "6...5..." 

A new year for our relationship. "3...2...1. Happy new year." I yelled as Fred brought his lips to mine. "Happy new year love." 

We danced for the next couple of hours. Most people had gone to their dormitories, leaving only Fred and me on the dance floor, along with a few other people. Once the final song ended he lead me towards the hallways. It was dark and quiet. There was a small window in the dark hallway, allowing the moonlight to creep in. The soft light washed over his face giving him the most magical glow. Before I knew it Fred placed me against the wall, I could feel the cool bricks against my back. He stared deeply into my eyes before kissing me. The kiss was filled with hot fiery passion. I opened my mouth slightly giving Fred permission to slip his tongue in. His tongue massaged against mine, allowing me to moan. His hands were roaming my body, while mine were in his hair. I pulled away to see the lust and hunger in his eyes. "Why don't we take this up to my room?" I said trying to be as seductive as possible. No we weren't going to do it tonight, but other stuff could happen. 

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