Chapter 39

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Amelia POV

I woke to the sound of giggling. My head was throbbing like crazy. I sat up instantly feeling the wave of last night's bad decisions hit me. I rubbed my eyes to see Angelina was standing near the steps of the boy's dormitories. "Shit sorry, Amelia didn't mean to wake you." High pitched giggles left her mouth. 

I saw myself sitting on the velvet sofa in the common room. After parties, I had always seen people passed out on the floor but I never thought I would be one of those people. Godrick this was embarrassing. My eyes adjusted to the bright room. The sunlight had made its way into the room, lighting up the entire place. "So who did you shag?" My curiosity got the best of me. Her cheeks instantly flushed and a smirk was plastered on her face. She took my question as an invitation to sit beside me like we were going to have one of those girly talks.

"Well, I hope you're not mad but it was actually Fred." My mouth was on the floor, I could feel the steam leaving my ears. I kept repeating the words in my head hoping I misheard. The amount of anger that rushed through me was insane. The blood pumping through my veins was filled with hatred and despise. How could I not be mad? I was so stupid for falling for him. I could feel my tears building up but blinked them away. My ego was too big for me to cry in front of Angelina."I mean you shouldn't be mad, you guys did break up." Her voice was all perky and happy. What the hell was wrong with her. 

"No no, of course, I'm not mad. He's free to fuck anyone he wants." I tried my best to smile at her. I could hear the disgust in my voice. "Even bitches like you," I spoke softly enough so that she couldn't hear me. 

"I mean I was his first and he was mine. Oh, and it was so great." Angelina looked so please with my reaction. I would not give her the satisfaction of her seeing me cry.  "Anyways I should go." Angelina quickly got up and I could feel the smirk forming on her lips. 

I wasn't going to cry, not now at least. I had cried over Fred too many times to count. If I sat in the common room for a second longer I was going to burst out in tears. There were a few year six's passed out on the floor. I quietly made my way towards my room praying no one was there. 

I pushed open the door to my surprise only Alicia was there. Angel must have been shagging some boy and Katie must have been with Lee. The tears were already trickling down my face, I wiped them away furiously. I grabbed my towel entering the dim-lit bathroom. 

I caught my reflection in the mirror to see the black mascara running down my cheeks. My lips had gone pink, and I could taste last nights drinks on them. I dropped my clothes to the floor letting them pool at my feet. I turned on the shower letting the hot water hit my back. 

I instantly broke down into sobs. My salty tears were mixed with the hot water and I felt myself break down. My back hit the cool wall shivers going down my spine. My legs began to shake and I slowly felt myself slide down the shower wall. I brought my knees towards my chest burring my head into my knees crying my eyes out for the next hour.

I promised myself to only cry for an hour. I let the water hit my face, allowing the water to wash away my pain. The shower was almost therapeutic, the warm water calmed my nerves washing away the tears. 

I wrapped my towel around my body, the cotton clinging around my chest. I looked back at myself in the mirror. My eyes were still red from all the crying along with my cheeks puffy. The band-aid that Fred had placed on my cheek only a couple hours ago had lost its stickiness. I removed the band-aid tracing my fingers along the rim of the cut. If I focused hard enough I could feel his touch on my cheeks. 'No Amelia he's moved on. He doesn't deserve you.' I thought to myself. He doesn't deserve me.

It was now one in the afternoon. I opened the bathroom door to find the room empty. Alicia's bed was made which meant she had left for lunch. I opened up my trunk taking out a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I wasn't in the mood for lunch so I could spend the day alone with my thoughts. 

I brought my leg onto my bed spreading the lotion all over. The thick scent of cherry blossom all over my hands now. I moved on to my left leg applying the lotion all over repeating the same process. My hands massaged my legs I was just starting to relax when I heard the door open, thinking it was one of my roommates. Katie had once walked in on me showering it was awkward at first but we found it funny later on. 

"Amelia you ready." I turned around to see who it was. Fred was standing in the doorway, he had his ACDC t-shirt on that I had bought him for his birthday. My eyes met his, and I instantly regretted it. My mind went to Angelina kissing him and Fred kissing her. I thought of how he would do stuff to her that he should have done with me. I snapped out of my thoughts realising I'm only in my towel. His jaw was practically on the floor "Wow!" it sounded like he was out of breath, probably cause he was running or something. 

"Fred get out," I yelled at him clutching onto my towel even tighter. Merlin knows I would die of embarrassment if he saw me naked. Fred only stood there, his eyes were gawking at my bare legs. He didn't move or say anything. I quickly made my way up to him before slamming the door in his face. "Next time knock," I yelled.

I changed into the outfit I had picked out. Not caring how I looked at this point. I made my way to the door, opening it to see Fred standing out there. "Uh. Um. S-sorry about before. I. I d didn't mean to walk in on you like that." His hand was rubbing the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact. I didn't expect him to be embarrassed about the situation but then again I didn't expect him to fuck Angelina. 

"Yea it's okay. Just knock next time." We stood there for a good minute. It was so awkward he was looking down at his shoes occasionally glancing back up at me. I was playing with my fingers and biting my lip here and there. "Wait so why did you come here." Trying to start a conversation I made my way towards my bed beginning to comb my hair. 

"Oh, yea I wanted to see if you were going down to get lunch. I couldn't find anybody so though I would come here." Fred closed the door before sitting on my bed. 

"Well, I'm not hungry." I made eye contact with him, instantly regretting it. I pictured him kissing Angelina making my blood boil. It's like every time I looked at him I instantly picture them together. "So you can go." But I didn't want him to go. It would be logical for him to leave, but it would only hurt me more if he stayed.

"Okay bye, I guess." I could feel my heartbreak ever so lightly as he walked out the door. Why did  I have to push him away like that? This crush had gone on for too long It was about time I got over him. I spent the rest of the day in my room. Reading the different books mum had sent me. I was excited for the summer holidays as my seventeenth birthday was coming up and so was the twins birthday. 

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