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catherinelunax added to her instagram story

catherinelunax added to her instagram story

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vinniehacker added to his instagram story


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EVEN THOUGH THE TWO HAD BEEN VERY VOCAL ABOUT HOW CLOSE THEY HAD GOTTEN, CATHERINE AND VINNIE STILL HAD NOT ANNOUNCED THEM OFFICIALLY BEING TOGETHER. a lot of people had an idea though, as the two teenagers loved to share the occasional facetime screenshot on their Instagram stories.

that and also that one photo they posted together made people assume they were back together.

neither vinnie or catherine had told their friends yet, besides troy whom knew- the two teenagers having been dating for just over three weeks now. catherine hated lying to her friends every time they hinted at her and vinnie, as both catherine and vinnie wanting to tell their friends in the most boring way.

just to annoy them even more.

so that's what they were going to do. troy had invited the group of boys around his, in addition to cat's girl friends and their boyfriends.

that meant kio, anthony and jaden were going to be there, and catherine was excited to see their expressions. not as much as she wanted to see eliza's, riley's or avani's facial expressions however, as they were going to be the most entertaining to see. cat was intrigued to see how anthony would react, as he was the one that had initially brought the two exes back together,

him most likely being over the moon by it- as he would say it was all his doing that the two exes were back together.

catherine was currently in her bedroom, having just finished being on facetime with vinnie, the two going over their plan once more before hanging up. catherine just knew how much of a fit eliza would cause- in a good way of course- as she was always saying the two exes would get back together.

and well she was right.

upon getting ready, eliza had sent a text to the girl group chat, announcing she would be leaving soon, her and jaden asking catherine if she wanted a lift, but the girl denied the offer, saying she would drive herself, but she thanked the couple.

the main reason why she had so no wasn't because she wanted to drive herself- it was because vinnie was coming to pick her up as part of their plan.

that and even though cat loved jaden and eliza, she didn't want to third wheel in the car with the two.

half an hour or so had passed, catherine having gotten ready just in time for vinnie to text the girl he was outside her apartment. checking herself over in her mirror one last time, catherine sighed before smiling at how decent she felt and looked tonight. remembering to grab her house keys, placing them in her bag, catherine locked up before heading down to see vinnie.

vinnie was looking down at his phone, glancing up every so often to see if catherine was coming yet. when he looked up this time, he did indeed see catherine, his girlfriend noticing him looking at her, so she did what she did best

gave him the middle finger.

vinnie scoffed, shaking his head as he saw catherine let out a laugh as she walked over to the passenger side of the car.

upon walking up to it, catherine tripped over her own feet, thankfully vinnie not seeing it as she would have never heard the end of it, instead he was looking down at his car controls, catherine narrowing at her eyes as she went to open the car door.

to find it wouldn't open.

"vincent cole hacker you open this fucking door." catherine shouted, the girl feeling a shiver rush through her as she felt the cold air on her bare shoulders. vinnie looked up to the girl, looking completely unbothered by his wrong doing, catherine mouthing 'i will kill you' to the boy, the girl pointing at vinnie before tracing her thumb across her neck.

she stood staring at vinnie, him letting out a laugh as he unlocked the door, quickly locking it again before catherine had the chance to open the door. she sighed, giving the boy the middle finger once more.

he proceeded to unlock the door, trying to lock it again- this time catherine was quicker than vinnie. she opened the door, a smirk on her face as vinnie held his hands up, protecting himself from catherine.

"you're lucky i am in a good more vincent, or your ass would have been dragged out of this car." catherine stated as she climbed into the car, closing the car door. vinnie smiled at the girl bringing her into his arms, the girl reluctantly returning the hug.

"so i threaten you, and that makes you want to hug me in response, i- weird child." catherine mumbled into vinnie's chest, the boy letting out a faint laugh before leaning back to place a kiss on his girlfriends forehead.

"if you weren't threatening me in some way, then i'll start to worry." vinnie said as he pulled away, catherine giving his arm a gentle slap as the two exchanged smiles. once putting her seatbelt on, vinnie pulled away from catherine's apartment, the two heading towards troy's house to meet up with the rest of the group.

"so- are you sure they aren't going to kill you right on the spot for not telling them sooner?" vinnie spoke, referring to catherine's three best friends, the girl shrugging, pretending not to know the answer- when she did.

she was almost certain they were going to kill her- and well catherine was here for the entertainment.

"they can- but hey this plan will work out great."

"you are so evil catherine i swear." vinnie said with a shake of his head, catherine letting out a scoff as she looked out the car window.

"it was your plan too vincent, which makes you just as evil as me."

"touché catherine. touché."

hello hello✌🏼

just a little short one- nothing too amazing ;)

i have a problem that I've put myself in hehe- I've gotten so distracted with writing chapters today for my books that i forgot i have to actually revise for my exams next week. The real exams too oh fun🥰

n e whore

stay safe- stay hydrated, and if i don't post before New Year's Eve- have a safe and wonderful New Years and i love you 🥺🥰🤍

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