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FEW HOURS HAD PASSED BEING AT PENELOPE'S DIVORCE PARTY AND IT WAS NO WHERE NEAR ENDING ANYTIME SOON. by now, troy and aaron alongside the rest of the boys had made their appearance here at the holmes family home, all of them having been welcomed to the party by penelope, who may or may not have been slightly intoxicated with the amount of alcohol she had consumed.

the party attendees were all sat outside in the garden of the family home of catherine's, the larger garden they had finally being put to its full use tonight with the party. most of penelope and her friends were sat around the firepit, all of them enjoying the warmth of the fire as well as enjoying one another's company.

catherine, alongside her siblings and friends were sat around the patio, more specifically were the outside kitchen area was situated. by them sitting there, it allowed catherine to be on catering duty for the party, as she didn't mind do that- her having a huge love for cooking.

but because it was a party, she didn't do anything extravagant, instead it was just party food being cooked in the oven- onion rings, sausage rolls, chicken strippers, wings and nuggets.

"jas, finn- how many chicken nuggets do you want?" catherine asked her two youngest siblings, them both asking for eight.

"woah eight each? you pigs." troy commented, him attacking jasmine's sides, the sound of the five year old girl laughing being heard throughout the area.

"do you need a hand cat?" aaron asked from beside vinnie, the girl looking over at the two, giving a shake of her head.

"I'm perfectly capable of getting chicken nuggets out of the oven and placing them onto plates. but thank you aaron." catherine sent him a smile, aaron giving her a thumbs up before helping himself to some of the snacks that were presented across the counters of the outside kitchen.

presenting more food out to the guests, catherine handed the chicken nuggets to her two younger siblings, before she noticed daniela had gone.

"jas, finn- where's dani?" shrugs came from the two children, catherine sighing as she looked around.

"she's fine cat- she's in there." vinnie said, him pointing towards the inside of the house. catherine looked to where he was pointing, to in fact see daniela sitting in the living room, with her phone to her ear.

"how long has she been sat there for?"

"the last twenty minutes." vinnie said with a shrug, catherine sighed as she continued to look at daniela. "i'm sure she's okay catherine."

"i know, but just keep an eye on her for me would you? if she is talking to- to liam, then she won't be okay after a few minutes." catherine said, her hand running through her hair. she took a glance at her daniela one more time before focusing her attention back onto the food she was placing in the oven.

vinnie watched his girlfriend, a small smile on his face before he got up from his stool on the opposite side of the counter catherine was stood at. aaron, troy and the boys took jasmine and finn to the inside of the house, but towards the game room- so they could not disturb daniela on her phone call.

"are you okay?" vinnie spoke up, waiting for catherine to finish placing the last tray in the oven before he could wrap his arms around her, bringing her into a hug.

"I'm fine. i just worry about her you know- the whole boys thing."

"catherine you aren't that much older than her."

SORRY. . . hacker ✓Where stories live. Discover now