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"THIS HAS BEEN A THING FOR A FEW FUCKING WEEKS?!" eliza exclaimed, the three best friends of catherine staring at her dumbfounded as they sat on the bench of the skatepark.

upon having tackled catherine to the floor earlier, troy and the boys decided it would be the perfect time for them to all go do abit of skating, troy saying to the girls that this would be the perfect time for them to have a catch up over catherine's love life.

and well, here we are- catherine actually living longer than she had expected.

"liza darling don't act so surprised, you knew this was going to happen- like come on." riley commented, her giving catherine a smile as she backed up the girl without cat having to speak.

it was true- this clearly wasn't a coincidence to the three friends of catherine, each one of them knowing that cinnie was going to happen sooner or later.

eliza was just surprised it happened this soon- and that she wasn't informed of this until now.

"i mean if you were smart eliza, you would have gathered something was happening-" catherine ignored the glare she was just beginning to receive from eliza.

"-yeah like the facetime screenshots, that photo of them in the mirror that cat posted- like come on liza- you and jaden posted photos together before you two became official." avani added on, catherine holding back her smile as eliza looked around the group, dumbfounded that they had turned this around onto her.

"okay okay- whatever. let's just forget about that and pretend that catherine had only just started dating vinnie, and she had just told us." catherine stifled a laugh as she gave avani a subtle high five, the two having managed to direct eliza way from having a go at catherine, and instead making her fascinated with cat's relationship with vinnie.

"the most important thing i want to know is- are you happy? does he make you happy?" eliza asked, the girl generally being serious with this questioned directed to catherine, the smile appearing on her face making the three friends of the girl smile too.

"he does when he's not eavesdropping! fuck off vincent!" catherine shouted as she leaned forward to see vinnie coincidentally looking at his phone that was on the wall beside the bench that the girls were sat on.

he glanced up, giving his girlfriend a smile, throwing a middle finger her way, her quickly responding with her throwing her own middle finger to the boy that moved back over to be with the group of boys.

"yeah he makes her happy." riley answered for catherine, the girl resting her head on cat's shoulder. silence fell over the group of girls, before conversation broke out about vinnie and cat, this time avani starting the conversation.

catherine gave her three best friends the run down of what had happened, from the two going out for starbucks, to when the two teenagers went around catherine's family home.

eliza was in love with the whole scenario, her being happy that cinnie was now a thing once more, as she had always loved the concept of the two being together, ever since she first felt the tension that was accumulating between the two.

"so did mumma holmes like him?" eliza questioned, catherine nodding her head almost immediately, about to respond when vinnie came running over.

"yes she loved me! she loves me more than catherine here." cat looked at her boyfriend, no expression on her face as she stood up from the bench, vinnie already making a beeline to the opposite side of the park.

eliza watched as catherine saw vinnie wave over to her, giving her a thumbs up- that just making catherine go run after him. avani shook her head when she heard vinnie let out a scream at catherine running at a fast speed towards him.

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