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THE LOOK ON CATHERINE'S FACE EXPLAINED HOW SHE FELT IN THIS CURRENT SITUATION. after suggesting that the three teenagers should go back to troy's house, vinnie was trying not to laugh at Catherine's face as she sat on her best friends sofa, her arms crossed, wanting nothing more to be at home, far away from her ex-boyfriend.

troy has coincidentally left the room to 'take a call' of which had been going on for five minutes now, cat mentally strangling her best friend, leaving her alone with the wonderful boy, that was vinnie hacker.

"you know you couldn't look more happy to be left alone with me catherine." vinnie spoke up, breaking the quietness that had formed between the two teenagers.

"i know right, I'm practically falling for you sitting right beside me." vinnie let out a low laugh, to which made cat roll her eyes as she looked up from her phone, to look at vinnie, of whom was already looking at her.

"will there be a time where you are not being sarcastic with me?" vinnie asked, as the two looked at one another, neither one of them wanting to lose the staring competition that had placed themselves in.

"when I'm dead, other than that, you ain't getting anything other than sarcasm." cat responded bluntly, the girl scanning her ex boyfriends face, vinnie doing the same thing.

after a few seconds, cat began to feel uncomfortable, letting out a shaky cough as she turned her head away, making vinnie laugh.

"what do you reckon is taking troy so long?"

"dunno, probably waiting for us to hook up."

"you try so hard vinnie."

"you didn't say no."

catherine turned her head, to see a smirk on vinnie's face, the girl wanting so hard to smack it straight off, but she didn't. instead she pushed the boy away, him moving away from her on the sofa.

"well he can keep waiting, and you can keep dreaming vin. it's never going to happen."

"it's not? so if you come to the party bryce is holding at the end of the week, your drunken mind won't want to get with me no?"

"you just described yourself there vinnie boy." catherine said, patting the side of his face, before getting up from the sofa. "and with that, I'm heading out."

"what? How you getting home?"

"I'll walk."

"it's getting dark cat, you shouldn't be going out alone." vinnie said to the girl, as she stopped at the door frame, dismissing the teenagers words.

"aw does vinnie care about me?"

"considering your going out alone yeah." vinnie said, ignoring the sarcasm that had filled catherine's words, the boy not wanting anyone to be out walking alone, as it made the girl vulnerable, hell it make anyone vulnerable if you walk down the wrong streets.

"I'll be fine vin, appreciate you caring though." cat said, giving the boy a genuine smile, to which he reciprocated. "if you want I'll text you, because you know, you're eager to text me." the girl added on, giving vinnie a jokey wink before disappearing from the door frame.

"yeah yeah cat, just text me when your home."

"will do lover boy!"

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