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CATHERINE WAS BACK AT HOME AFTER A COFFEE TRIP, OF WHICH LAST FOR AROUND TWO HOURS. the duo had just been talking to one another, catching up and discussing random topics, ranging from video games to talking about clothing style.

wide range of topics i know.

after the two hour coffee trip, vinnie had dropped catherine off at home, him giving her a hug goodbye before saying he would see her again sometime this week as troy and aaron wanted to see him, therefore troy would invite catherine along as she was his best friend.

and that troy was going to try everything he could to get cinnie to happen.

so now that catherine was back at home in her apartment, she had sent a text to the 'fantastic four', asking if they wanted to come round for a mini girls night, as it had just past nine at night.

avani and riley replied straight away, saying they were on their way, making sure to stop for snacks on the way.

eliza said she would be there in the next half an hour or so, the girl not sure if she was suffering the second episode of her cyclical vomiting syndrome, also known as cvs.

of course catherine had responded with suggesting to eliza, that if she was too well to get to catherine's, they would come round hers, and be her supportive system if she were to start the second episode now, of which consisted of the girl vomiting.

it wasn't unusual for the girls to do this for the younger sister of bryce, as they knew she suffered from it badly, so whenever the girl would begin to suffer from vomiting episode, the 'fantastic four' would come together and stay the time at eliza's making sure she was okay.

but eliza had just text catherine saying that she should be okay for tonight, therefore meaning she would be at the girls apartment soon, her too stopping off for treats and grabbing the blankets from her own apartment.

so right now, catherine was setting up for the evening, putting a selection of 'party food' in the oven, such as spring rolls, sausage rolls and little chicken bits. she always had looked in her fridge, thankful that she had grabbed ice cream, catherine knowing that she would have a movie night with the girls sometime this week.

half an hour had passed when avani and riley knocked on catherine's apartment door, smiles on their faces as they gave their friend a hug, acting like they hadn't seen each other in ages, when in fact they had seen each other last night, riley having just seen catherine this morning.

eliza soon came over around five minutes after avani and riley, the 'fantastic four' had started their girls night, beginning with watching mean girls, the classic film that was one of the groups many favourites. face masks had been brought out, each of them having a sheet mask on, to which both catherine and eliza bursted out crying of laughter as they had made funny faces and sounds at one another once the sheets were on their faces.

it wasn't that long after the first film had been watched that eliza looked at catherine, her eyebrows raised.

"have something to ask me eliza?" catherine asked her best friend as she took a sip of her hot chocolate as she watched eliza glance over at avani and riley, the girls looking at one another. "if you would like to know, eliza you could not be a good spy."

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