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SITTING HERSELF DOWN IN HER SEAT FOR THE EVENT, CATHERINE CONTINUOUSLY HAD TO RUB HER HANDS ON HER DRESS. the nerves had kicked in so much for her since she left vinnie back in his changing room after the event managers had asked for moments alone with the participants before they went on stage. not bothering to argue with them- just this once- catherine had given vinnie a longer kiss than usual, whispering a good luck before then leaving vinnie in his changing room.

eliza and riley had saved seats for catherine in between them, avani sitting on the other side of riley- with samantha and some of other cat's friends sat beside eliza. the girl was in considerably high spirits after everything that been happening over the course of the last few months.

eliza's CVS- cyclic vomiting syndrome- had hit her at her at the worst time, the girl currently in the recovering stage after having the violently throwing up stage last month. Being the good best friends and wanting to keep eliza's mind preoccupied with everything besides the thoughts of jaden, was a lot easier than cat, riley and avani had expected.

considering eliza and jaden were going through a rough patch- more so than usual- they had decided to take a break, which left eliza being back to being extremely close with catherine- the two spending most of the weeks together.

so even though eliza was invited to the match considering well, you know- bryce was her brother- she was not sure she was going to go, but since catherine had persuaded her too- she was now sat here having the best time of her life.

the pre-event shows had begun, music being played which boosted catherine's slight mood of anxiety for her boyfriend.

josh and the rest of the sway boys- except jaden- were sat in front with catherine seeing that kio too looked anxious, him too rubbing his hands against his jeans whilst his left leg was shaking. leaning forward, catherine tapped the boy's shoulder as she held back a laugh from seeing kio jump from her touch.

"jeez- you're more anxious than i thought." catherine commented when kio turned around, a smile appearing on his face when he saw cat and eliza sat behind him.

"i am nervous aren't you?"

"oh no i'm completely fine." catherine spoke, kio raising an eyebrow the girl that indiciating to the girl that he did not believe her.

"no yeah- i'm literally shitting a brick over here. i should not be this fucking nervous."

"it's fine cat." eliza chimed in, her hand giving catherine's shoulder a squeeze. "at least you have faith in vinnie- i don't have faith at all in my brother."

as each match came and gone, catherine was growing even more nervous- so much so she would thought she could throw up. so far, team youtuber had won each month- leaving just two fights remaining:

vinnie vs deji

bryce vs austin

even though she had complete faith in her boyfriend, if vinnie won or lost- catherine would be proud of him no matter what. she knew how much he had trained for this moment, but that did not calm the nerves. at all.

"everything has been leading up to these last two matches." was heard being shouted through the speakers of the arena, catherine took a deep breathe knowing what was going to come next."

"for team tiktok, vinnie hacker!"

catherine didn't hesitate as she stood up alongside kio who had swapped places with avani just so he could be with catherine during these last two matches. cheers and screams were heard- mainly from those two- as vinnie came into view.

SORRY. . . hacker ✓Where stories live. Discover now