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"I AM THIS CLOSE TO DROWNING THAT KID IN THE POOL." zack laughed as he opened troy's fridge, catherine just sitting on one of the stools, a look of annoyance on her face.

"personally, i think you should- it would be entertaining."

"i- zack" catherine held her hand up, zack giving her a high five, before the both laughed. zack placed down the cans on the counter next to cat, her moving them closer to her so she could take them out to the boys when zack had finished getting all the drinks out.

"what? it's true- i mean he's jealous of aaron."

"is that really why he's so fucking pissed off? i was cuddling aaron. dude i cuddle all of you, like would he get annoyed at you or troy if i cuddled you?" zack nodded his head, catherine scoffing in response.

"that child is a weird one."

"that child- is your ex. oh and i forgot to mention that you two are basically getting back together." zack whispered the last part as he sat on the stool next to catherine, the girl just shaking her head.

"we went on one date!"


catherine slapped her head as she watched zack's mouth drop, her wanting to slap the boy for making her admit that it was a date that her and vinnie had gone on.

"if i hear you say that to anyone zackary, it will be you that i will drown in the pool." catherine said alongside flicking the boy on the head, him pretending his mouth was a zip, zipping it closed.

"so now i know officially that it was a date." catherine scoffed as zack sent her a wink, "-are the feelings come back to you?"


"that was quick- are you sure?" catherine nodded her head, zack surprised as normally if catherine was lying she would not hold eye contact, but here she was, practically staring into zack's soul.

"you may have gotten better at lying to catherine, but i know there's still something there for you both, and i will prove it- now get your ass up." catherine laughed as she grabbed the three cans, zack grabbing the other batch of cans.

"have fun proving it zack."

"oh me and the boys sure will."

the two teenagers caught the attention of the boys sat in troy's living room, them seeing catherine and zack making funny faces at one another, catherine then proceeding to play fight with zack.

"can you carry on fighting without my can of drink in your hand?" troy shouted, grabbing ahold of his can, catherine sending a glare to her best friend. cat and zack then just stopped being silly for once in their lives, giving the group of boys their drinks.

vinnie felt a shadow standing over him, so he looked up to see catherine holding out a can in his face.

"i didn't want- thanks." catherine nodded her head to vinnie as he decided to take the can, after seeing her just glare at him.

catherine went and sat herself down next to aaron once again, that being the only seat available,  it she didn't immediately cuddle into his arm like she usually did.

but then she did.

'fuck it' catherine thought, so the girl snuggled back into aaron's shoulder, him arm wrapping itself around her shoulder again.

the group of boys and catherine sat around, enjoying one another's company as the hours passed. every now and then, catherine would see vinnie glancing over at her, to which make the girl raise an eyebrow every time.

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