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WITH BEING OFFERED TO TAKE VINNIE ON HOLIDAY WITH HER, CATHERINE AGREED TO IT. that meant vinnie had to go back to the sway gaming home, quickly pack a suitcase for the holiday away.

catherine had offered to help, but vinnie said he would be fine and he would be back as soon as possible. she was hesitant at first as she knew that vinnie could not pack for shit, him always forgetting something whenever the two had gone away for a weekend when they were previously together.

whilst awaiting for vinnies return, the girls group chat 'the fantastic four' was blowing up after catherine told them that vinnie was coming on the holiday with them.

to say eliza was astonished, but over the moon would be an understatement.

the one thing that was stuck in catherine's mind was vinnies ticket- did penelope know vinnie was going to be joining them so she had brought him a ticket when organised the holiday for the rest of the family?

catherine didn't know- but of course she was going to ask her mum about it whilst she was waiting around for her boyfriend.

"did you know vinnie was going to come with us then?" penelope looked up from the kitchen counter, the mother of the catherine cooking out some quick food for the family- them being ready for the holiday in a few hours.

"well your sister actually mentioned it. she said it would be nice if vinnie came along with us- so i asked him and he said only if it was okay with you as he didn't want to be crossing the line." penelope answered her daughters question, the mother turning her body round so she could talk to catherine.

"you don't seem overly eager for him to come catherine- is everything okay?" catherine nodded her head as she sat down on one of the kitchen stools, her head resting against one of her hands.

"no. no it's not that- it seems to be getting serious so quickly mum and i don't know how i feel about it." catherine heard her mum sigh, the woman turning down the heat on the stove before joining her daughter, sitting on the stool next to catherine.

"i get that cat- i do. but think about it- it's not like you and vinnie haven't dated before this, you dated for just over a year didn't you?" catherine nodded her head, penelope leaning over- grabbing ahold of her daughters hand- giving it a light squeeze.

"are you sure mum?"

"catherine if i didn't believe what i just said i wouldn't have dared to invite vinnie on holiday with us- i know you lov- okay but not love, yet. but you two are happy at the moment, so don't push it away when nothing bad has happened."

catherine released a deep sigh, the girl knowing that what her mother was saying was right, the mother knew she had helped reassure her daughter, penelope going back to finish off food for the family.

"go relax catherine for goodness sake- this holiday is for you to relax and have fun. nothing is going to happen."

the holmes family and vinnie had made it to the airport, and were now sitting on the plane, officially starting their holiday. vinnie currently had catherine's head resting on his shoulder- the couple sharing a airpod each, vinnie sitting beside the window.

"catherine are you going to sleep?" vinnie whispered as he leaned his head on top of catherine's, the boy feeling the girl move her head up and down under his.

"got to get all the energy i can before we land in mexico." catherine mumbled, her hands wrapping around vinnie's arm, the girl snuggling into vinnies arm as she closed her eyes.

"okay love." vinnie said, him lifting his head off catherine's to place a kiss on top of it, before resting his head ontop once more.

daniela was sitting beside her sister, penelope sitting in front of the three with finn and jasmine. catherine's dad would have been coming with the family, but he was stuck doing business in new york, and well catherine wasn't surprised that he put his work before his family.

daniela noticed that vinnie was looking down at his phone, clearly intrigued on what was on his screen- and due to her being nosey and naturally being protective over her older sister, daniela looked up to vinnie.

"what's got you looking so intrigued vincent?" she asked the boy, him looking up from his phone to the younger sister of catherine, of who was slowly beginning to fall in a deep sleep but could still hear the voices of the two sat either side of her.

"just a video kio sent me." vinnie said with a shrug of his shoulders, him leaning his phone in her direction, showing her it.

"you didn't have to show me it by the way- i believed you." daniela spoke, vinnie nodding his head as he let out a yawn.

"i know- i just didn't want you to think of the wrong idea." vinnie commented, daniela nodding her head as she placed her AirPods in her ears.

"good because if you do hurt her vinnie- i won't hesitate to throw you out of this plane." vinnie smiled at daniela, that smile quickly disappearing as he swallowed the lump in his throat that had appeared upon seeing the very serious face that daniela was showing.

"i will remember that."

hello hello- i am sorry it's been a while🤭

I've not totally being stressed with applying for universities and all that crap with schools


um- anyway back to the story, yeah sorry it's been a while and it isn't very long either- 🤭 but we are going on holiday loves and it's going to get interesting😼

n e whore

stay safe, stay hydrated and ily all byeeee🥰🥺🤍

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