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"YOU KNOW I COULD HAVE JUST DROVE MYSELF HERE RIGHT?" catherine asked her boyfriend, his hand interlacing with hers whilst the other was held tightly on the steering wheel. vinnie shrugged as he glanced over at catherine, giving her a smile before turning his head back forward.

"i was going to go out anyway- me and troy are seeing the boys so i thought i might as well just take you whilst i was on my way."

"well thank you for that vin. my mum should be parked over there." catherine smiled at her boyfriend, her finger tapping the window, telling vinnie that her mother was parked in the car park of the shopping centre they were driving into.

"text me when you need picking up?" vinnie spoke up when the car came to a stop in the car parking space near where penelope had parked her car, making it easier for the mother and daughter to meet eachother. unhooking her phone from the Bluetooth system in vinnie's car, catherine looked over at vinnie, giving him a nod her head before pulling him in for a quick kiss.

"will do love. have fun with troy." catherine said with a smile, opening her car door.

"and you have fun with penelope, i love you cat."

"i love you too vin- gosh look at us being cute and nice for once."

"just don't ruin the moment again catherine." vinnie said, him scoffing at his girlfriend as she stuck her tongue out him. he sent her a wave as she climbed out of the car, leaving him alone. he awaited until he saw catherine walk over to her mum, making sure she was save before pulling off from the car parking space, making his way over to troys.

"hey darling," penelope greeted her daughter, pulling her into a quick hug when they heard a car honk behind them.

"i swear if that was vinnie." catherine mumbled, slowly turning her head to see vinnie driving past, giving the mother and daughter duo a wave before continuing to drive out of the car park. "that boy i swear- he is so embarrassing sometimes."

"i wouldn't expect anything different from him though cat." the girl nodded her head in response to her mums words, the two walking into the shopping centre to enjoy their long overdue day of doing some retail therapy.

the two woman made their way through the shopping centre, doing their bits of shopping/ retail therapy that they both needed and wanted, it almost being a type of stress relief for the two holmes women.

"are you ready for your birthday then cat?" penelope asked her daughter, the two currently browsing through the clothing racks in urban outfitters, the two curious as to what the clothing store had to offer in this moment in time.

"i am indeed."

"it's the big one eight. like that's exciting!"

"mum i think you are more excited than me, like yeah i am excited."

"do you have any further ideas that you may want for your birthday?" penelope asked, her beginning her questioning for not only to get ideas for presents she could buy catherine, but also ideas she could give to vinnie.

"to be honest with you mum- no." penelope sighed, giving her daughter a disappointing shake of the head. sure penelope could just wing it as she normally did for buying presents for her kids- the woman knowing her kids well enough to know what to get them and what not. but, she would admit it would be nice if she would actually get some input from her children- especially catherine as the more she was getting older, the more difficult it had gotten for penelope to buy her birthday presents.

"not even jewellery? nothing like that?"

"i mean i will never turn down new jewellery, even though you say i have too much of it." catherine commented, penelope letting out a faint laugh as the mother and daughter duo left the store, neither of them wanting anything.

SORRY. . . hacker ✓Where stories live. Discover now