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vhackerr posted a tiktok

is this a real experience? we don't know

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is this a real experience?
we don't know


@catherine- wait- that sounds familiar
@fan1- WAIT NOOO😭😭

@catherine- oh yeah! that's what i told you🙃
@vhackerr- i- you exposed me

@fan0- okay but why can i actually imagine vinnie acting like that to cat
@catherine- it's cause he did
@user66- NOOOOO😭😭😭

@fan48- don't worry vin- that would be me if i saw cat

@hater1- what is this
@fan2- a tiktok

@eliza- i- this is a real life experience wasn't it vin
@vhackerr- 🤭

@vhackerr- 🤫

@user68- okay but how is he so attractive what-
@zarbruh- i know right

@user652- @catherine i am jealous you get to date this man
  @catherine- it sucks trust me
   @fan780- I- DID SHE JUST ADMIT IT
   @vhackerr- oh good job cat

"CATHERINE YOU FUCKED IT!" catherine heard vinnie shout from his bathroom, her letting out a laugh as she sprawled herself out across his bed.

the couple were spending the night at vinnie's room in the sway gaming house, as kio wanted to have a night in with the two and him and riley. but that didn't last long as riley had passed out on kio's shoulder midway through the film they were watching- kio thinking it was best that they cut the night short so he could take a sleepy riley to bed.

"vinnie you are dumb if you don't think they know we're together by now." catherine commented as she looked at the bathroom door, the light from the bathroom having caught her attention. she hitched a breath upon seeing a shirtless vinnie standing in the doorframe. vinnie smirked at the expression visible on catherine's face, him growing amused.

"you're staring catherine." vinnie sang out, catherine giving him the middle finger, as she stood up from vinnie's bed, going into her bag to grab her pyjamas. vinnie watched his girlfriend, a smile appearing on her face as she caught him looking at her.

"now you're the one staring." catherine commented, vinnie just shrugging as he extended his arms out, catherine letting out a sigh before making her way over to him. she gave him a hug as that was what he wanted from him extending his arms out.

"I'm having a shower vin- if that's okay." catherine commented, vinnie scoffing as he looked down at his girlfriend, almost to ask her if she really did just ask him if it was okay.

"of course it is okay you idiot." catherine looked up at vinnie as she pulled out of his arms to see a smirk appear on his face.

"if you think you're getting in that shower with me vincent, that's another story- wouldn't want you passing out over seeing a topless catherine now would you? oh wait- i wasn't even topless i was just in my bra." catherine tease the boy, vinnie scoffing as he pulled the girl back into his arms, scruffing her hair much to the girls annoyance.

"i so did not faint you liar." catherine scoffed, pushing off from vinnie's chest, the boy seeing the look of disbelief evident on his girlfriends face. she continued to look at him, until vinnie sighed. "okay i fell over- but i did not faint."

"you keep telling yourself that vincent, now let me go for a shower." catherine commented, patting vinnie's bare chest, before pushing him out of the bathroom,

well she tried to anyway. vinnie had made it hard for catherine, but making himself stiffen up, so it was difficult for her even push him out, much to her annoyance once again.

"okay vinnie- let's make a deal. no sharing a shower, but i will allow you to stay in here whilst you sort yourself- brush your teeth, whatever. okay?" catherine sighed, the girl seeing a huge smile appear onto vinnie's face as he leaned down, giving her a peck.

"aren't you nice to me?" vinnie said, catherine sighing as she ran the shower, waiting for to get hot before she got in it.

"yeah i am, but can you get out whilst i change? wouldn't want you to hurt yourself hitting your head against that floor." catherine asked, vinnie shaking his head immediately to her question.

"nope catherine."

"vincent. i will drown you in this shower." catherine threatened her boyfriend, vinnie noticing the smirk appear onto her face, making him turn around and walk out of the bathroom and back into his room. catherine watched as vinnie jumped onto his bed, before propping himself up on his elbows to look at his girlfriend standing in the bathroom.

"you know what- i actually like the view from here." vinnie commented, giving catherine a thumbs up. she looked at him to then see a bright smile on his face, to which slowly dimmed as she gave him a sarcastic thumbs up in response to his thumbs up.

"good to know vin." catherine shouted at vinnie, a smirk playing onto her face as she walked to the bathroom door. realisation hit vinnie's face, making catherine laugh as she closed the bathroom door.

"you're not fun catherine!"

hello hello✌🏼

just a little something something- once again it ain't too good :)

i probably won't be updating for a while- i say that and I'll probs update in the next few days 🤭🙃

but if you follow me you know, I've been complaining about my exams that i still have to do, even though England have cancelled a level exams- but btecs don't count hehe 🙃

so i have an exam tomorrow- hehe wish me luck



stay safe, stay hydrated & ily all bye 🥺🥰🤍

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