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"YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT VINNIE? oh i should have guessed, considering he's just been here for the last few hours." troy said with a smirk, catherine giving the boys face a gentle slap, wanting to remove the smug look he was showcasing her.

"yeah well i need a boys opinion and a best friend opinion so-" catherine commented, leaning back on the sofa, making herself comfortable before she proceeded to talk more about her ex-boyfriend. "before he left, he said to me once i feel better i should message joey."

"he said that?" catherine hummed, that answering troy's question, making him look slightly taken aback by what vinnie had said to catherine.

"he said for you to messa- okay and what did you say?"

"i said i will."



troy sighed, running his hand through his hair before meeting cat's gaze, the girl shrugging her shoulders at her best friend.

"why would he say that? he hates joey."

"he doesn't hate him." troy hit back at cat's statement, but he wasn't very convincing as catherine watched him scratch the back of his neck- a common trait him and most of the boys in the group did when they were either uncomfortable or lying.

"troy I'm not dumb- if looks could kill, joey would have been dead and buried deep down multiple times by the looks vinnie was giving him."

"okay maybe he hates him." troy whispered, catherine giving him the look before mouthing 'yeah, gathered that.'

"okay there is no need to be sarcastic- glad you're feeling better already." troy teased, catherine scoffing whilst rolling her eyes at her best friend sat beside her. "back to vinnie- what did he do whilst he was here?"

"well we talked about what was going on, i cried- cried so much i fell asleep-"


"-shut up." the two laughed, troy getting up from the sofa to make himself a drink momentarily before quickly reappearing in the living room to take his space back next to catherine. "-as i was saying before you interrupted-" troy laughed as catherine jabbed his chest. "-i was sleeping- and he stayed there, no movement besides him just stroking my hair."

"he's such a simp." cat added on, joking around about vinnie's behaviour even though he wasn't there to defend himself.

"you have to admit it was cute."

"yeah a little."

"just a little?"

"tiny bit."


"okay it was massively cute okay? is that what you wanted me to say?" troy held a smile on his face as he gave cat a thumbs up, the girl just scoffing at him before giving him the middle finger.

silence was presented between the two best friends when troy got up, leaving catherine in the room by herself whilst he proceeded to make the girl some food- even if she may not eat it, troy wanted to atleast know he tried.

"you still like him don't you?" troy shouted from the kitchen, cat looking over in the direction of the where troy was as she took a sip of her water.

SORRY. . . hacker ✓Where stories live. Discover now