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THE SWAY GAMING HOUSE WAS QUIET AS THE FOUR TEENAGERS ENTERED THE HOME. they had the house to themselves, the rest of the boys that lived at the gaming house were staying the night at the original sway boys home, them all having of drunk a fair bit of alcohol.

catherine was currently struggling to keep her eyes open as she carried her heels in the house, the girl deciding she didn't want to wear them anymore, her feet hurting from the several hours of wearing them.

vinnie was standing behind her as they entered the house, as the walk up to the house, catherine did trip a few times, each time vinnie would be there to catch her so she wouldn't fall flat on her face.

riley was holding onto her kio's arm, the girl feeling very sleepy due to the affect of the alcohol, making it all more reason that kio would take the girl to his room so she could sleep.

vinnie was going to take catherine to his room, giving her his bed, him deciding whether to sleep in the sofa or in one of the other boys bedrooms.

but he decided he would just sleep on the sofa.

about to ask his ex-girlfriend if she wanted to go and sleep in his bed, it was almost like catherine just generated a ton of energy, the girl placing the shoes by the door before walking at some speed into the main room of the house.

kio shook his head at the sudden burst of energy from catherine as slight hums came out of her mouth, kio saying to his best friend to have fun with looking after catherine, to which vinnie just shrugged his shoulders.

"she'll pass out in like five minutes don't you worry."

kio nodded his head, shouting goodnight to the exes as he helped the sleepy riley up to his bedroom, the two turning in for the night.

vinnie followed where catherine had walked, finding the girl sitting on the sofa, her still having vinnie's jumper on. she looked up to see vinnie sitting next to her, small smiles evident on their faces.

catherine looked down at her hands, her phone beside her as she get slightly awkward being in vinnie's home, just the two of them in the room.

the alcohol of course had made her tired, even if she did have this sudden urge of energy, but she wasn't in the mood to make sarcastic comments to her ex, him not wanting to either.

"you want a drink cat?" vinnie asked the girl, to whom just shook her head, saying she was okay at the moment.

"hey vin, tell me, what's happened for you this past year."

vinnie furrowed his eyebrows, him being slightly taken aback at the niceness that was in catherine's tone, the girl noticing the shock on his face, making her scoff.

"vincent i'm trying to be nice here, take it."

vinnie laughed as he made himself comfortable next to catherine on the sofa, the two enjoying the quietness of one another before he began to speak.

"nothing major, just got attention from tiktok, i don't like to talk about it too much." catherine smiled, the girl understanding him.

sure vinnie did like some attention he received, but even when the two were dating last year, catherine did notice that vinnie often felt awkward if he had accumulated loads of people's attention, of which he had done now after accumulating millions of fans on tiktok.

"i got into this house, and well i stream games."

"look at you, pro gamer. last year would be so proud." catherine commented, vinnie scoffing as he gave his ex a shove, making the girl same as they looked at one another.

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