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VINNIE SAT PATIENTLY IN HIS CAR OUTSIDE OF CATHERINE'S APARTMENT BUILDING, WAITING FOR THE GIRL TO COME DOWN AND SEE HIM. after having asked the girl if she wanted to go for a drive, catherine had responded with that she would love to,

this being the reason why he was obviously sat outside her apartment building.

catherine didn't have the energy to go out, after having spent the day in bed, her crying as soon as troy left her home, even though she had said to her best friend she would be fine, when she clearly wasn't.

but getting the texts from vinnie, him asking if the girl was okay, it made catherine smile, that being the reason why she had agreed to go out for a drive with her ex.

because besides troy, he was the only other one that had made her smile today, even with her depressive episode.

vinnie had glanced up from his phone when he heard a door close, him seeing catherine walking out of her apartment building, making her way towards his car.

she had her joggers on and an oversized jumper, of which vinnie believed was one of the few jumpers catherine had still of his after they had broken up. she had no makeup on either, her hair down, but was matted in places,

but vinnie didn't care about that.

he was more worried about the evident lack of sleep that was visible of the girls face, her face having lost its colouring and her the bags under her eyes had become a dark colour, could be misinterpreted as being black eyes.

the two teenagers exchanged smiles when catherine climbed in vinnie's car. catherine had shoved her phone into her pocket, not wanting to be looking at her phone, but instead enjoy her time in the 'real world' instead.

it was a surprise when cat felt vinnie pull her into his embrace, that surprise affection making the girl grow teary eyed.

"you okay cat?"

that did it for the girl, the girl letting out her tears as whenever someone asked her how she was doing when she was doing great, it would just immediately make her cry.

vinnie leaned his back to see his ex-girlfriend crying, guilt immediately rushing through him as he knew by him asking that question, it made the girl cry. he tried to soothe her, cat feeling his arm rub up and down her back.

the exes stayed like that for around two minutes, neither one of them saying anything, vinnie just allowing the girl to cry. he allowed her to compose herself, him leaning over to the glove compartment of his car, grabbing a packet of tissues he had surprisingly found in there, giving them to the girl sat beside him.

"so you feeling a little bit of harry styles or the 1975?" vinnie asked cat, as he scrolled through his phone for music, as catherine had said she didn't want to have the responsibility of doing the music today, vinnie of course being okay with that.

"how about lover of mine?" vinnie nodded his head, clicking his fingers at catherine as he hummed the words of the 5 seconds of summer song, making catherine grow impressed with her ex as she cleaned herself up with the tissues handed to her, the girl using the mirror in the sun shader.

the familiar sound of a piano made catherine swing her head, vinnie giving her hand a quick squeeze before directing his attention onto his car, him driving away from cat's apartment building.

catherine sang the lyrics as she looked out of her window, admiring the darker night sky, the stars catching her attention the most. vinnie would often glance over to the girl stand beside him, a smile appearing onto his face before he would focus his attention back onto the road.

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