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SILENCE. that's what filled the living room of the sway home as Catherine and Vinnie sat down opposite one another, looks of disbelief covering both of their faces.

"you two are exes? since when?" Anthony questioned as he walked into the room after having grabbed himself a glass of water. After hearing the revelation that Vinnie and Catherine were in fact exes, Bryce diverted everyone outside, confusing Anthony as Bryce was normally one for drama.

but it was probably due to the fact Eliza was glaring at her older brother to take everyone outside as she sat in the living room with Catherine, Troy and Vinnie, her and Troy making sure Catherine didn't want to rip Vinnie's head off or vice versa.

"a year back maybe? Like probably January?"Catherine said, not completely sure when it exactly was.

"no it was may."

"oh my bad, it was may. my mistake." Catherine responded bluntly, Vinnie rolling his eyes at the girl as they looked at one another. Eliza watched as Catherine rose an eyebrow to Vinnie, her eyes scanning Vinnie's face, a smirk appearing on her face.

"so by the looks of it, you didn't end on good times?" Eliza asked, Vinnie scoffing as he shook his head, Catherine sitting there with her arms crossed, eyebrow still raised.

"oh no, we are best of friends." sarcasm filled Catherine's words as she responded with Eliza's question, the girl just shaking her head to Catherine's answer.

"yeah, we are literally best friends, we do face masks, do our nails-"

"Don't expose yourself now Vinnie." Catherine interrupted the boy, a smirk playing on her face as Vinnie flipped her off, causing Anthony and Eliza to laugh at the two exes.

"yeah these two are definitely not on good times." Anthony commented, Eliza scoffing as she shook her head at the obvious statement made by Anthony.

"no shit Sherlock." Catherine said, teasing Anthony as the boy shoved her, the girl letting out a laugh. Vinnie watched his ex sat before him, his arms crossed as he saw her and Anthony discuss how his detective skills show him as being Sherlock, sarcasm just flooding Catherine's words.

"You have not changed have you?" Vinnie spoke up, catching Catherine's attention, as the question was directed her way. Simply responding with a shake of her head, Catherine stood up from the sofa, making her way towards the exit.

"I'm gonna head out."

"What!? You're leaving?" Anthony exclaimed, Catherine shaking her head as she noticed Vinnie smirk her way.

"No ant. I mean I'm heading outside, so you can wipe that smirk off that pretty face of yours Vinnie." Eliza snickered as Catherine patted Vinnie's shoulder before leaving the room to head outside to rejoin the rest of the group.

"hey atleast she called you pretty." Anthony stated, Eliza laughing as she got up from the sofa, leaving the room behind Anthony, Vinnie following close behind.

"don't think it was supposed to be a compliment Ant."

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