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CATHERINE WOKE UP IN HER OWN BED, THAT INSTANTLY CONFUSING THE GIRL. the last thing she remembered from last night was hanging out with vinnie in his room after their little something in the living room.

she didn't remember coming home, or going to bed. the one thing she did know, was that she was hungry.

she got herself up from her bed, wrapping her blanket around her head, catherine intimidating e.t for this time period.

"ah- fuck me!"

catherine screamed as she saw a sleeping vinnie on her sofa. the sound of cat's shouted alerted the sleeping boy, him no longer sleeping as his head darted up, immediately searching if anything happened.

"did you stay here?"

"yeah." vinnie said with a yawn, his brain having not processed what was happening after having been suddenly woken up.

"why?" cat asked the boy as she sat herself next to him, giving his face a slap, a thing she used to do when they were together to help wake him up. he smiled at her doing this, him also remembering why she did it.

"well when i brought you back, you had a little cry, and well i didn't want to leave you in a state, so i asked if i could crash here and you said yes." vinnie responded, his hand finding its way to the back of his neck, giving it a scratch.

"shit sorry, i don't remember that."

"you did drain yourself with a few tears last night." vinnie joked as he pulled the girl into his side, leaning his head on top of hers.

"you look tired as fuck vin, go have a nap and I'll make you pancakes when you get up?" vinnie gasped at the sound of pancakes, catherine smiling as she leaned off his shoulder.

"your special pancakes?"

"yes vinnie, my special pancakes." vinnie nodded his head, pulling the blanket over cat's face before disappearing out of her living room and into her bedroom to go for a quick nap.

when the teenagers were together, catherine would always make vinnie and herself pancakes whenever they slept around one another's houses, and let's just say vinnie had a soft spot for her pancakes.

thinking about their relationship made catherine smile as she never would have thought that her and vinnie would be on speaking terms, heck she would have never have thought they would be on such good terms with one another that they could spend time together without anyone else.

after the few kisses they had yesterday, some sort of feeling resided in catherine, that she didn't know she would feel towards vinnie again.

but they were just exes, who may or may not have kissed a few times.

that and they made it clear to one another yesterday that they didn't like either one of them getting with anyone else.

strange pair of exes these were, but they didn't mind that.

"wait vincent, you didn't have to sleep on the sofa, i have a spare room right?"

"now you tell me!"

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