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WALKING BACK OUTSIDE AFTER HER LITTLE SITUATION WITH VINNIE, CATHERINE HELD A HUGE SMIRK ON HER FACE AS SHE CARRIED HER SPRITE IN HER HAND BACK TO HER SUN LOUNGER. Eliza, alongside Avani and Riley all looked at the girl, their eyebrows raised as their friend joined them.

it was then that Vinnie appeared through the glass doors, Catherine's head turning to the boy as she sipped her drink.

but the look of Vinnie stopped her from doing so. The boy since having been in the kitchen with her, had taken off his top, and into swimming shorts. Sensing someone's eyes on him, Vinnie sarcastically waved at Catherine as he jumped into the pool to join the boys of whom had decided to go in the pool whilst the two exes were in the kitchen.

Returning the sarcastic wave, Eliza watched as Catherine then flipped off her ex, a smirk still playing on her face however.

"yeah the sexual tension is overbearing here." Eliza stated, Avani and Riley agreeing with the girl much to Catherine's annoyance as she rolled her eyes at them.

"Eliza shut your big mouth."

"Oh? We hit a nerve ladies."

"you are a bitch you know that right?"

"I know, and i wear it with pride, not as well as you do though." Eliza commented, the girl directing her comment to Catherine, to whom the girl just shrugged in response.

the four girls knew that Catherine was the 'bitch' of the group, the girl not afraid to say what she thinks, of which usually caused people, mostly boys, to be put off by her, due to them being intimidated by the girl.

and that's why her and Eliza got on so well. both girls were not afraid to speak their minds to their friends, of which made it clear especially to the boys where they stood with the two girls. riley and avani too were very open with saying how they felt, but not the extreme lengths that the other two girls would go to.

that being one of the reasons why vinnie liked cat so much last year. he liked how she didn't shy herself down to people, nor allowing people to talk down to her. dominance and confidence being one of the things that had attracted the teenager to the girl in the first place.

and that was the thing vinnie still appreciated about the girl to this day, a year later after their breakup.

"earth to Catherine?!" the girl hummed as she looked away from the sun to see troy sitting on the edge of the pool closest to the group, vinnie and the group of boys watching as the girl was brought back to the present time.

"hey cat!"

"it's catherine to you vinnie, you lost that respect to call me cat last year babes!"

"cat come in the pool!" vinnie shouted, ignoring the comment catherine had just made about him using the shortened version of her name, the boy wanting to irritate the girl as much as he possibly could, to see if she would snap.

but cat knew vinnie too well,


cat knew that vinnie was hoping that her inner 'hulk' would be released, that being the name the two exes had given her anger when they were together. even though it was something that was very intimidating and often scary,

vinnie always loved to see it.

even if catherine would be lashing out on him.

"if you say so darling." catherine shouted back to vinnie, the girl giving her ex a wink as she made her way over to the pool, her three friends making chants as she made her way to sit beside troy.

SORRY. . . hacker ✓Where stories live. Discover now