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THE SWAY HOUSE WAS UNSURPRISINGLY BUSY, AS THE SWAY BOYS INVITED ALOAD OF THEIR FRIENDS OVER, INCLUDING VINNIE HACKER AND CATHERINE HOLMES. Catherine and Vinnie were both friends with Anthony Reeves, the two not knowing the other one would be there today.

until Catherine walked in that is. As Catherine knocked on the door to the sway home, she was met with the faces of Eliza Hall and Anthony. the girl was brought into the arms of both teenagers, smiles plastered onto their faces.

Anthony and Catherine had known eachother going on three years now, her and Avani having also met during these years. Eliza, the younger sister of Bryce, had also been introduced to Catherine since Eliza had permanently moved to Los Angeles.

"am i the last one here?" Catherine asked as she pulled away from the group hug, Anthony nodding his head as he wrapped his arm around the girls shoulder, Eliza closing the door behind her as the three walked into the sway home.

"you are indeed, but that's okay." Eliza commented, Catherine nodding her head as she flicked Anthony's hand that was on her shoulder, the boy gasping.

"Oh okay that's rude." Catherine stuck her tongue out at the boy, the two laughing at one another as Catherine pushed Anthony's arm off her.

Multiple laughs could be heard as the three teenagers walked into the living room, a scream being heard, stopping an alert Catherine dead in her tracks.

It was then that Catherine grew stiff as someone pulled her into their arms, the girl hesitant to reciprocate the hug.

"Catherine Luna Holmes you better hug me back right now or I'm throwing you into the pool."

Catherine let out a laugh as she wrapped her arms around the figure, the sound of her full legal name allowing her to know instantaneously who it was.

"Troy you wouldn't dare."

"Oh i would." Troy counteracted the girls statement, resulting in the two to pull away from their hug, giving eachother the glare. Catherine and Troy were best friends, and had been for the last year, two having of met through instagram, and well you could say their friendship blossomed from there.

"Troy aren't you going to introduce us to your friend?"

Catherine turned around to be met with the eyes of several people, making the girl feel like a deer in headlights. Troy felt the slight nervousness that he could feel radiating off the girl, instantly making him stand beside her, his hand being a reassurance for the girl.

"i present to you, the most annoying person in the worl-ow!"

"be nice Troy." Eliza stated, having just pinched Troy's ear, making the boy stop his introduction of Catherine.

"Okay sorry, this is Catherine, my best friend I guess."

Catherine rolled her eyes as she sat down beside Avani, Eliza having sat herself beside Jaden, the two teenagers practically cuddling at how closely they were sitting. Catherine smiled and waved, the sway boys as well as their respected partners all introduced themselves to the girl, making it all their jobs to make sure she was comfortable.

"are we missing someone?" Bryce questioned as he scanned the room, receiving shrugs in response. Troy had now sat himself down next to his best friend, pulling her into his side, the two sitting in their usual position of Catherine resting her head on his shoulder.

"just one." Anthony answered, Bryce nodding his head as he looked back down at his phone, as the group around him engrossed themselves in conversation.

"where's the bathroom?" Eliza's head perked up from her phone as she heard Catherine speak out, the girl deciding to be the one to direct her to the bathroom.

AN EXTRA VOICE WAS HEARD AS CATHERINE EXITED THE BATHROOM, MAKING THE GIRL CURIOUS AS TO WHO WAS THE REMAINING GUEST THAT WAS EVEN LATER TO THE GATHERING THAN SHE WAS. The girl entered the room the group were gathered in, her hand in her hair as she detangled the knot that had assembled.

"Troy shut up dude!" Catherine's eye grew wide as she heard a faint voice, coming from the kitchen across from the doorframe she was stood in. She looked down at the sofa to see Troy looking in her direction, a smile on his face as he put his middle finger up in Catherine's direction.

The girl dismissed the gesture from Troy as she was about to walk forward to regain her place of sitting next to Troy when she felt someone hit her shoulder.

"Hey watch it!" Catherine grunted as she felt the hand place itself on her shoulder, the person making sure they didn't knock Catherine over.

"Oh great! Now i can introduce you two to one another!" Catherine heard Anthony voice say behind her, as she lifted her head up, raising an eyebrow to see the person who walked into her.

"Catherine this is Vinnie." The wideness of Catherine's eyes told Anthony that she had heard of the name, as he watched Catherine and Vinnie lock eyes.

"Vinnie this is Catherine."

Vinnie had the same reaction as Catherine, the two not saying a single word to one another, instead the two just stared at one another, the group all watching on to the two teenagers, Eliza and Avani glancing at one another as they sensed tension brew in the rooms atmosphere.

"You have got to be kidding me." Catherine muttered, her hand now resting on her hip as she leaned against the wall, her eyes still fixated on Vinnie.

"You two know eachother?" Anthony questioned, Vinnie and Catherine just simply nodding in response as Vinnie sighed.

"Anthony, i present to you, Vinnie Hacker, my lovely ex."

authors note
I know this chapter is short but i wanted to get a little introduction put out

so yeah, Vinnie hacker story, of which overlaps my story of Jaden Hossler, in case you were wondering why there is a younger sister of Bryce called Eliza.

Eliza is a queen in my other book btw😉🥺

but yeah, hopefully you like this small chapter and I'll upload more soon

n e whore

Follow me if you want😉😉

and stay safe!!

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