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"DO YOU HAVE TO GO?" vinnie whined, a frown appearing on his face as he held his girlfriend in his arms, not wanting her to leave. catherine had just sighed at the boy, giving him a nod of the head as she removed herself from his arms.

that didn't last long however, as just as quickly as she left vinnie's arms, the boy had wrapped his arms around the girl once again, hugging her from behind- not wanting to let the girl go.

"vinnie if you are the reason why my mother kills me because I'm late for our holiday- i will make sure she gets you next." catherine mumbled as she leaned her head back, looking up to see vinnie already looking down at her with a frown on his face.

"i don't want you to go."

"you are sounding like a right simp vincent." catherine teased her boyfriend, giving his hands that were around her stomach a few hits, before once again removing herself from his grip.

"okay but can i atleast you drive you to your mums?"

"why?" catherine said with her eyebrows furrowing, the girl noticing vinnie's eyes widen for a second whilst he tried to make up a reason.

"you know something i don't mr hacker, and you better tell me." catherine said with a point of her finger, vinnie holding his hands up at surrender, him not wanting to keep receiving a glare from catherine.

"i don't know anything!"

catherine let out a mhm to the boy, vinnie still holding his hands up in surrender, watching as his girlfriend turned around walking out of his bedroom. when she was out of sight, he dropped his hands down, the boy pulling out his phone out of his back pocket.

about to send a text, vinnie let out a scream as he saw catherine's head dart back around the corner, the girl trying so hard not to burst out laughing at vinnie's scared reaction.

"okay- you are extremely jumpy today- something is up and i will find out what it is- but before you take me to my mums, can you put a top on thanks!" vinnie laughed as catherine sent him a wave before disappearing from the door, the sound of her walking down the stairs being heard.

"cat you love me shirtless!"

"i might do- but my mum doesn't!" catherine hit back at vinnie's comment, the boy shaking his head at the girls shout. he felt his phone vibrate in his hand, a smile appearing on his face as he quickly replied to the person.

"vinnie! hurry your ass up!"

"okay- that is enough why don't we for the day." vinnie stated to catherine, the girl scoffing as she climbed out of vinnie's car, the two teenagers having arrived at catherine's family home.

"you can never have too much why don't we."

"unbelievable." vinnie mumbled, him instantly regretting using that choice of word, as it made catherine burst out into song- that unfortunately for vinnie being one of catherine's favourite songs, the girl having blasted it through his car on the journey here.

"that you were in my heart, you were in my head- now you're waking up here in my bed." catherine sang in vinnie's face as he had walked around to her side of the car, him closing his hands as his girlfriend continued to sing.

"catherine stop tormenting vinnie!"

vinnie send a thumbs up to penelope, the mother of catherine standing in the doorway of the family home, ushering the two teenagers into the home. catherine had quickly made her way over to her mum, even though she had just seen her the previous day to drop off her suitcases for the holiday the holmes family were going on in the early morning.

"how am i going to be able to deal with you for-"

"vinnie you're talking to yourself again love- you're going to look crazy instead of me soon." catherine shouted from the front door, vinnie giving her a thumbs up before walking over to the holmes home, following catherine inside.

penelope smiled at vinnie, bringing him into a quick hug as catherine walked over to her siblings. daniela had ushered catherine over, the girl showing her oldest sister a video she saw on tiktok. finn and jasmine had seen vinnie, the two getting excited over seeing vinnie that they ran over to the boy, wrapping their arms around him.

"so he gets fucking hugs- and i get what? a smile." catherine mumbled to daniela, catherine shaking her head as she grew shocked at how much her younger siblings clearly liked vinnie more than her- as they never welcomed her with hugs.

catherine turned around though, to see vinnie now giving finn a piggy back, a smile appearing on her face as even though she felt betrayed by her siblings, she was glad that them and vinnie had a good relationship, and that always made catherine feel better. about to make comment to vinnie, she watched as penelope called vinnie into the kitchen, catherine growing curious as to what was so special that they couldn't discuss it in the hall in front of the rest of the family.

it seemed that it was important or secretive as finn and jasmine had ran back into the living room, joining catherine and daniela on the sofa's, the two younger siblings of catherine enjoying one of the children programs that was placed on the tv.

"um- have i missed something with mum and vin?" catherine asked daniela, the girl shaking her head- both the girls sharing the same confused expression as they glanced to where the kitchen was- hearing hushed voices from their mum and vinnie.

daniela opened her mouth to make a comment to her older sister, when she felt the sofa no longer dip, her eyes glancing up to see catherine walking out of the room, before that walking turned into sneaking as she got closer to kitchen.

"do you reckon she would want me to?" catherine could hear vinnie say, the girl growing confused as to what her boyfriend and mother were discussing.

"i'm sure she would- you two have spent what- every single day together, what is another week together going to do?"

catherine furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to process and think about what the conversation was about. when it clicked. her mouth grew agape as she composed herself so for when she turned the corner, it did not sound like she was eavesdropping on their conversation.

however, by the look on her mothers face and vinnie's, the two raising their eyebrows at the girl as she entered the kitchen, giving the two small waves to try and tell them she hadn't been listening in.

"catherine you could never be a spy." vinnie commented, catherine knowing she had to carry on keeping her act up, so the girl just looked at her boyfriend with pure confusion.

"i have no idea what you are on about vinnie."

"oh really? well catherine- you hate when i lie to you, so why do you lie to me?" catherine tried to hold back her smile, but glancing at her mother to see her also trying to hold back a smile, catherine lost it. she let out a laugh, vinnie quickly following suit with his own laugh, the two shaking their heads at one another.

"so- what were you two talking about?" catherine asked as she went into the fridge to grab herself a can of coke, the girl opening it as she waited for either vinnie or penelope to answer the question.

"how would you feel if vinnie came on holiday with us?"

hello hello✌🏼

So- i, i didn't know where i was heading with this but yeah-

vinnie and catherine going on holiday together oop-

hehe😼 The plans that are going through my head are good rn

n e whore

stay safe, stay hydrated & any wdw fans whom are excited for TGTATBO - i have a few wdw books out if you wanna read😼


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