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vinniehacker added to his instagram story

vinniehacker added to his instagram story

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CATHERINE WAS LAZING ON THE SUN LOUNGER TRYING TO TOP UP HER TAN. she was enjoying the sun on her skin, until she no longer had the sun coming onto her face, but instead a shadow. opening her eyes, catherine smiled as she sat herself up before grabbing the iced coffee from the persons hand.

"why are you smiling at me like that?" catherine asked vinnie as she took a sip of her iced coffee, the drink tasting so much better when she was on holiday.

"no reason- i just wanted to smile at you, is that a problem?" vinnie hit back at the girl, the smile on his face increasing as he watched catherine narrow her eyes at him. he watched the girl lean down into her beach bag, catherine grabbing her phone out of her bag.

vinnie shook his head, letting out a laugh as he sat down, leaning back onto the sun lounger beside catherine, his hand resting over his eyebrows so he could look at his girlfriend beside him without the sun getting in his eyes.

"catherine looked nice in that picture also i guess." catherine mimicked vinnie, him laughing as he took a sip of his drink before placing it on the mini table in between the two teenagers.

"you did look nice!"

"i know i do." catherine commented, vinnie leaning over giving the girl a shove, her gasping as she held onto her drink in a stronger grip as she felt it slip through her hands after having been shoved.

"watch the drink vincent- there is a pool so i can actually drown you if i wanted to." catherine threatened, vinnie watching the girl stick her tongue out at him, that just making the boy smile at his girlfriend.

"you know- you keep giving empty threats is getting boring now catherine."

vinnie regretted those words as he watched catherine raise an eyebrow before placing her phone back in her bag, and her glass of ice coffee next to vinnie's on the table.

"oh vinnie darling, who said it was an empty threat?" catherine asked the boy, vinnie smirking at the girl as he got up from his sun lounger, catherine doing the same thing.

because it was fairly early in the morning here in mexico, there was only a few people around the pool at this moment in the time, only daniela sitting with catherine and vinnie, as penelope was with finn and jasmine, getting them some ice cream as they were adamant they were going to get some.

daniela was too busy reading her book with her airpods in to even realise what was going on with catherine and vinnie.

but a loud laugh from both vinnie and catherine did get through to daniela's ears, that catching her attention as she brought her eyes away from her book and onto the two teenagers. lifting up her sunglasses to get a better look, daniela watched as vinnie and catherine were standing by the pool, both of them trying to push the other one into the water.

it was then that a splash could be heard throughout the pool area as catherine stood over the pool edge, the girl holding her stomach as she laughed at vinnie having fallen into the pool.

"how did you get him in?" daniela shouted to the girl, catherine turning around to her younger sister with a bright smile on her face as she continued to hold onto her stomach.

"ticklish- vin-vinnie is really ticklish." catherine managed to say out in between breaths and she tried to regain her breath from having laughed too much.

catherine was about to speak to her sister once more when she noticed daniela raise her eyebrows, her eyes widening- that making catherine turn around to where vinnie was in the pool- a smirk on his face as he swam to the edge.

"don't even think about it vincent."

catherine watched as vinnie held his hands up in surrender, the girl giving him a wink before returning to her place on her sun lounger. going into her bag, catherine grabbed her sunglasses, placing them on as she leaned back on the sun lounger.

"you know- you just pushed me into the pool, there was no drowning me there." catherine felt water make contact with her skin, the girl lifting her sun glasses to see vinnie standing over her once again, water dripping from his torso.

catherine had to admit to herself that in this moment in time, vinnie did look attractive- the girl thinking it must just be the water dripping down his chiselled physique.

"i still have time." catherine responded, vinnie scoffing as he leaned down, him trying to hold back his laugh as the water from his hair dropped onto catherine's face as he gave her a kiss.

"vinnie!" catherine exclaimed as vinnie shook his hair, more water falling onto catherine. "are you sure you aren't a dog?"

"rude." vinnie commented, him displaying hurt to the girl as his hand found its way to clasp his chest. catherine smiled, bringing her head up to give cinnie a kiss, vinnie smiling as he grabbed ahold of the girls hand.

"you are so annoying." catherine mumbled against vinnie's lips as she took off her sunglasses, placing them on top of her head as she allowed vinnie to pull her off the sun lounger.

"you love me though."

"you wish i did vinnie."


it's been a few days sorry😌

this is just a little chapter- nothing special sorry🤭

n e whore

hope you are all doing well, stay safe, stay hydrated and i love you all bye🥺🥰🤍

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