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THE PARTY WAS WELL AND UNDER WAY WHEN CATHERINE NOTICED VINNIE LOOKING IN HER DIRECTION. the girl was getting herself and joey a drink from troy's kitchen, him having offered to come with her to help but catherine insisted he stayed sat with their friends.

troy had made sure he spoke to joey, that making catherine scoff as she knew what troy was trying to do and she was not having it.

cat was bobbing her head to the music that was blasting throughout the house, the girl wanting to go into the fridge to grab some of the alcohol she had brought around, but she stopped as she noticed vinnie was still watching her.

she ignored his looks, making her way past him so she could get her alcoholic beverage. catherine's body was slowly getting influenced by the alcohol and all of cat's friends knew this as the girl loved it talk when drunk.

and i meant it when she loved to talk.

catherine looked over at vinnie once her drink was in her hand, the girl having to do a double take at her ex-boyfriend, an beer in his hand. he had since dropped his eyes from looking at catherine but instead to look at the contents of his beer and he swirled his beer bottle around.

it seemed like the guests in the house wanted to get vinnie and cat to talk to one another as soon enough they were the only ones in the room. catherine sighed, grabbing ahold of the new round of drinks for her friends, leaving vinnie completely alone in the kitchen.

he watched her walk away, him frowning upon seeing joey give cat a brief hug before she pulled away to speak to troy. vinnie glanced away, not wanting to get upset over cat.

yes, he messed up when he cheated. he had no idea what he was doing, and well let's just say he regretted it,


it was the way catherine was with other friends, boys to be more specific- even though cat had been friends with them before, vinnie not being the boyfriend to refuse catherine to hang out with boys- as he knew if he tried to do that, catherine would end up fulfilling her threat of drowning him in the pool.

but the one thing that got to the teenage boy, was the way she was so close with them- especially joey.

"since when do you drink?"

vinnie jumped, his eyes darting up to see catherine standing at the door she had walked out of moments ago, her nodding her head to the alcoholic beverage in vinnie's hand. he sighed, lifting it up momentarily before placing it back on the kitchen island.

"since now." vinnie mumbled, catherine watching as he brought his hands to his bead, running his fingers through his hair. he heard footsteps, but vinnie decided to keep his attention focused upon anything that was not catherine.

she noticed this and even though she wanted to slap the shit out of vinnie for what he had done- she couldn't bring herself to do in it this moment of time.

instead worry ran through cat, worried about vinnie as he never liked to drink- sure he would drink occasionally, but catherine found out over the years that vinnie instead liked to enjoy the aspect of the party,

without getting absolutely intoxicated with alcohol.

"hey cat can you pa-"

before he could finish his question, vinnie's attention was brought onto cans of coke and red bull being brought into his eyesight. he let out a laugh, glancing up to see cat giving him a smile.

"how did you know?"

"vincent darling, i have known you for a long- painful fucking long time," cat said with a laugh, patting vinnie's shoulder before she walked back to the door that led out of troy's kitchen. she gave her ex boyfriend one last smile before disappearing out of the kitchen, her drink she had left behind before now in her hand.

SORRY. . . hacker ✓Where stories live. Discover now