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"CATHERINE YOU CAME-WITH VINNIE?!" catherine pulled her lips into her mouth as she tried not to laugh at the face kio had displayed. his mouth had dropped, before he pointed between the two teenagers.

"i fucking knew it- knew you two were together!" kio whisperer, before catherine and vinnie told the boy to shut up, otherwise they would ruin their plan.

before letting them into troy's house, both teenagers got a slap on the arm from kio, him feeling betrayed that he hadn't been told first.

but he quickly got over that, as catherine told him that only troy knew so far, kio's mind going crazy over what the girls were going to say to it all.

"don't think because i'm helping you that means i'm not incredibly hurt- because i am." catherine tried to hide her laugh at the sound of kio's voice cracking, vinnie also noticing it too.

"but i want to see how eliza will react- to be honest, i don't think you'll live to see it." kio stated, catherine agreeing with the boy as she looked up at vinnie, him giving the girl a quick kiss on the head, before the two pulled away as they walked into the home.

"so how are you going to do it?" kio whispered, catherine shushing as they walked into the living room, the three teenagers walking in to see everyone looking their way.

"oh look it's the exes!" anthony said, clapping her hands together. catherine looked at troy, her watching as he tried to hide back his smile before quickly excusing himself to the kitchen, pulling catherine with him.

vinnie looked at catherine, him mentally having a go at her as he was left alone with the group, all of which were looking at him eyebrows raised, eliza holding a huge smirk on her face.

"good luck!" catherine mouthed to vinnie, the boy giving her the middle finger before kio grabbed the boys shoulders bringing him into the room.

jaden watched as his girlfriend moved closer to him, before patting the space on the sofa next to her. vinnie watched as eliza patted the space once again beside her.

jaden shrugged his shoulders at vinnie, mentally telling him he had no idea what his girlfriend was going to do. vinnie showed a small smile to eliza before sitting next to her.

"so you're that close your picking her up from her house now?" eliza said to vinnie, the boy nodding his head as he tried to hold back his smile, otherwise he would be ruining the plan he had made with catherine.

"yeah- i guess so." vinnie replied to eliza's question, not giving the girl any further information or hints about him and catherine until she was in the room.

"the one thing i hate you troy." vinnie mumbled to himself, thankful no one heard him as they all got back into their own conversations, eliza deciding to carry on her questioning with vinnie, once catherine had reappeared.

"troy i'm worried eliza is currently eating vin alive. did you see her face when we walked in?" troy stifled a laugh as he handed his best friend a can of sprite, the girl not wanting anything alcoholic in this moment in time,

but that wouldn't last long- as she was going to need something stronger to get through tonight.

"oh just wait until she sees you go in there." troy hit back at cat's statement, a twinkle of mischief sparkling in the girls eye, making troy grow worried as to what she actually had planned.

SORRY. . . hacker ✓Where stories live. Discover now