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"CATHERINE? do you want pancakes?" vinnie shouted from the kitchen of his ex-girlfriends home. after having been a shoulder for catherine to cry on after she disclosed the information of her parents getting divorced. it wasn't that long after she had expressed her emotions, that she had mentally and emotionally drained herself so much she had fallen asleep on vinnie's chest.

so during the time she was asleep, vinnie just sat there, stroking his hand through her hair- trying to comfort the girl even when she couldn't appreciate it due to her sleeping.

but catherine did appreciate it, she appreciated that vinnie was even here as they were indeed exes- so technically he had no right to even be here. he had no right to take time out of his day to come check in on her,

but he did.

after an hour of sleeping, catherine had woken herself back up again, but she still stayed in bed. vinnie had been happy to just stay there with her company, but hearing her stomach rumble beside him- he thought it was best he went and made the girl food.

that being the reason why he was stood in the kitchen as of this moment in time, awaiting an answer from his ex-girlfriend in reference to her wanting pancakes or not. but he heard nothing. vinnie scoffed, placing down the egg he had been holding in his hand, making sure it was further enough away from the edge of the kitchen counter- not wanting it to fall.

making his way back over to catherine's room, vinnie stopped at the door, a smile appearing on his face upon seeing the girl before him. she had fallen back asleep, this time her arms wrapped around a pillow- practically cuddling it.

deciding to just let her sleep, vinnie left the room, returning to the kitchen to grab his phone before sitting himself down on catherine's sofa in her living room. he made himself comfortable, taking a sip of the coffee he had made himself before, turning on the tv screwed into the wall across from him.

it was no surprise that criminal minds had appeared on catherine's television, that being one of the shows she was constantly rewatching. not wanting to switch over to another channel, vinnie just sat back and watched the serial killer case that the bau were working on this episode.

it was around halfway through the third episode that vinnie heard movement from catherine's bedroom and considering he was still watching criminal minds showed the boy that he was very much invested in the tv show.

"luke alvez has my heart." vinnie laughed as he heard catherine whisper when sitting herself down next to vinnie, immediately resting herself against his shoulder.

"i thought it was reid?"

"they all have my heart. the whole bau live rent free in both my heart and brain." she muttered, vinnie smiling before lifting up his arm that catherine was resting on so he could wrap it around her shoulder, bringing the girl closer into his grip.

"why are you here vin?"

"what do you mean?"

"how did you not get what i meant from that question?" catherine teased, vinnie scoffing before giving her shoulder a squeeze. he looked down at his ex-girlfriend, the girl feeling his eyes on her so she looked up to meet his gaze.

"cat i told you before why i was here."

"i know i know- but you didn't have to stay, especially since troy said he should be here soon." catherine spoke, a sigh escaping her lips. vinnie watched as catherine sat herself up, removing herself from his grip. "like you're my ex vin, you shouldn't even be here, you shouldn't have been sat there letting me cry and then fall asleep on you- to which i am sor-"

SORRY. . . hacker ✓Where stories live. Discover now