𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗽𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆?

957 11 14

hello my lovely people, my loves who have read and loved this book :)

I just wanted to write this & i hope you lot can see from the chapter name I'm tempted to write another book,
whether that is a mini sequel to this one

or a brand new vinnie book?
i have an idea for a new vinnie book, it being called
'apartment 201'

here is the plot idea for it

" IN WHICH a new girl moves into apartment 201, the apartment next door to the tiktoker vinnie hacker


IN WHICH Beverly Florence moves into her new apartment, quickly forming a hatred for her loud and obnoxious next door neighbour "


so yeah that's the plot ^
i dunno if i should do it & if i should, do i make it a vinnie story, or someone else? Or even make it an original story? Depends on what you lovely people would wanna read :)

I'm in a writing mood if you couldn't tell (you can defo tell if you follow me lmao, I've released so many books the last few days )

also this book may have some spice? Enemies to lovers spice, who knew that trope was always my weakness lmao- I've read too many books with that trope so I'm now even more obsessed with it :) deal with it

but yeah, i just wanted to say thank you for the continued love on this book, we're nearly at 400k reads and i could not appreciate you guys more

thank you for all the love, you made my 2021 and already with the continued love you're making my 2022 bearable as I'm already struggling- and it's only day 5 lmao

but thank you!
I love you!
Stay slutty my friends :)

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