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"VINNIE WHAT IS TAKING YOU SO LONG?" catherine said with a huff, the brunette growing inpatient with her boyfriend whom was in the bathroom once more. it was the final night here in mexico and catherine alongside vinnie were going to be spending the night with catherine's family, most likely watching one of the shows that are put on every single night here in the resort.

"one second cat!" vinnie shouted, catherine shaking her head.

"that's the third time you've said it vincent. i am not dumb what the fuck are you up to?" catherine shouted back. she walked over to the bathroom door, knocking on it, that being her way of telling vinnie to hurry up before she grew even more inpatient.

"what are you doing vin? someone else worth your time?" catherine asked, her words mixed with a jokey tone as well as a serious tone.

"what? no!"

"then open the door. if your naked vin it isn't anything i haven't seen before, hell all of tiktok and instagram has seen you topless, so why are you hiding away in the bathroom?"

those words from catherine allowed her to hear the boy in the bathroom sigh before opening the door to reveal himself.

"okay there! happy?"

"what's gotten your pants in a twist?" catherine asked, her eyes narrowing at her boyfriend- whom was fully clothed and from her perspective looked like he had been ready to go for a while.

"nothing- you ready to go?"

"I've been asking you that for the last twenty fucking minutes but it's fine." catherine mumbled, rolling her eyes at vinnie before she flipped her hair turning around. for some unknown reason, vinnie was acting more irritable than usual for catherine. that or catherine was just getting more annoyed at everything little thing.

vinnie began to walk to the exit of their room in the resort, when he saw catherine stop, her attention drawn to her phone- her eyebrows narrowing at whatever had caught her attention.

"hey- can i use your phone to text my mum? my phone doesn't seem to be sending anything." catherine asked, turning her phone around to show the evidence.

"i'll text her." vinnie said, pulling out his phone. catherine tilted her head, before walking towards vinnie. she watched as he flinched upon her wrapping her arms around him, his phone being lifted up away from her.

"vinnie you know- if you think your being sneaky, well news flash love. you aren't." catherine stated, her pulling away, patting vinnie's arm as she walked out of the room.

"you best have texted my mum, cause you know we are seeing here now." vinnie watched as catherine turned around, walking down the hallway, leaving vinnie in the entrance of their hotel room.

because mexico was two hours ahead of los angeles, catherine knew the person she needed to call, was most likely going to answer the phone.

"hey love what's up?"

catherine smiled at the familiar voice of her best friend, the girl walking into the empty elevator, pressing the ground floor button as she held her phone up to her ear.

"you're not busy are you?" catherine asked, her eyes narrowing as she saw vinnie walking down the corridor towards her as the elevator doors closed.

"even if i was- i know if you are calling me it's important- so i would put you first."

"this is why i love you troy." catherine said with a faint laugh, the sound of troy also laughing made the girl smile more.

"so what has he done?" catherine sighed at troy's words as she leaned against the wall of the elevator, the sound of the elevator music faintly hitting her ears.

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