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liked by, kiocyr, addisonraee and 423,894 others

@elizahall thanks for your mirror

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@fan1- okay now i feel self-conscious

@elizahall- marry me
   @catherinelunax- done sorry @jadenhossler
    @jadenhossler- it's okay :(

@kiocyr- @rileyhubatka it's okay if you leave me for cat
   @rileyhubatka- YESSS LETS GOOOO
   @kiocyr- i- i didn't actually mean it

@fan71- okay cat is literally heather

@user91- Vinnie looking at catherine now = 🤡🤡
   @catherinelunax- 🤫

@hater91- ew you need to eat
   @catherinelunax- gladly- got any requests

@hater619- so disgusting

@fan0- i want to be Catherine

@fan18- blue is so her colour what
   @fan6- every colour is her colour

@fan2- queen

@fan492- cat is an unproblematic queen like Eliza

@fan384- cat, Eliza, Avani and Riley are the best friends i didn't know i needed

@user432- wonder if Vinnie's tried to win her over yet
  @catherinelunax- not yet 🥴

@fan90- cat being the only girl to not simp Vinnie
  @catherinelunax- been there done that :)
   @fan23- vinnies simping her though

@zarbruh- go bestie go - you coming later?
   @catherinelunax- if you mean the sway house- I'm already there bubs

ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER DAY SPENT AT THE SWAY HOUSE. Upon hearing the news of Cat and Vinnie being exes, Bryce, much to his sisters reluctance, kept wanting Catherine to come over at the same time Vinnie was over, to see if anything would occur between the two.

and today, was no exception.

Catherine was currently sunbathing with her girlfriends, no longer being the three amigos, but instead the 'fantastic four', as Riley and Avani liked to call them.

But Eliza and Catherine? preferred to call the group of four 'the teenage mutant ninja turtles.'

"so you heard from Vinnie?" Avani asked Catherine, the girl rolling her eyes at the mention of her ex-boyfriend, making her three friends raise their eyebrows in response.

"i can smell the sexual tension from here between you two and he's not even here." Eliza commented, Catherine scoffing as she flipped her friend off, ignoring the snickers coming from Avani and Riley as Catherine attempted to sunbathe in peace.

but her friends weren't having that.

Avani and Riley made it their plan to annoy Catherine, making comments about the sexual tension between her and Vinnie, as well as making jokes about the girl still having feelings for the teenager.

Bryce alongside the rest of the sway boys were sat in the living room of the house, including the boyfriends of each of Cat's three best friends inside there too. Troy and Vinnie had joined the boys only minutes before, Vinnie having not noticed Catherine sitting outside, until he heard faint laughter coming from outside.

the familiar sounds of Catherine's laugh caught Vinnie's attention, the boy looking out the window to see the girl alongside Eliza pushing Avani and Riley into the pool, thus being the reason why laughter and squeals were being heard from outside. Troy and Jaden made comments to one another about Catherine and Eliza being the playful and mischievous ones, Jaden making it very clear that Eliza was all about playing pranks on people, especially her brother.

Vinnie's eyes unconsciously scanned Catherine's visible body due to the girl wearing a bikini, the boy taking in a deep breathe, resulting in Troy and Anthony looking his way. Bryce too had noticed, as he stood up from the sofa, heading outside, of which Jaden followed quickly behind him. This resulted in the rest of the boys following Bryce and Jaden outside, catching the girls attentions.

"come to join in boys?" Catherine shouted out, Troy jolting forward making the girl take a step back as a reflex, knowing exactly was Troy was about to do, his smirk prominent on his face. "you dare do that Troy, i will snap that little skateboard of yours."

Troy gasped, Catherine biting the side of her mouth to stop herself from bursting out laughing as she ran past Troy into the sway house, more specifically walking into the kitchen to grab herself a drink.

"glad to see you still working that bikini."

"ah!" Catherine jumped, placing down her glass she was just about to fill up with water, the sound of laughter behind her as footsteps grew closer to her. Catherine grew on edge as she felt someone behind her, until she breathed in an all too familiar scent she was known to. "Vinnie Hacker you back away."

"or what? what you going to do cat?"

Catherine turned around at some speed, her eyes widening as Vinnie's face was inches away from hers, a smirk playing on his face, one eyebrow raised at the girl as he placed both hands either side of the girl, practically trapping her.

"Back away vinnie, you do anything to make people think we are back together, i won't hesistae to drown you in that pool right there." the sound of Vinnie scoffing quickly followed by a laugh made Cat roll her eyes.

"what? you thought I was going to fuck you here, right now?"

it was then that vinnie grew confused as a smirk played onto catherine's face as she leaned forward, decreasing the distance between the two teenagers faces.

"you might say you don't, but..." Catherine glanced down before looking back in Vinnie's eyes, her smirk growing even larger. "some part of you does want to." Vinnie's mouth dropped as Catherine patted his chest, making Vinnie remove his arms from either side of the kitchen counter, allowing the girl to leave.

"nice chat vinnie boy! see you back outside." Catherine shouted as she picked up a can of sprite from the middle of the kitchen island, the girl wanting to make an exit quickly and smoothly, therefore not going to fill her glass up with water, resulting in why she opted for a can of sprite instead.

"nicely done catherine holmes." Vinnie whispered to himself, before scoffing at his body for betraying him, mentally giving him a slap on the forehead.

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