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THE ATMOSPHERE IN THE HOUSE HAD DONE A 360. after introducing herself to the girl, the girl having told catherine her name, but she didn't listen to that- so she still called the girl 'she', of which made kio and eliza want to burst out laughing as cat  never referred to her as her actual name,

of which was georgia.

so after that, the group, of now five, had made their way to the living room- kio, eliza and catherine sitting on one sofa together, leaving vinnie and this girl, georgia, sitting on the other.

"so you two are exes?" the girl started the conversation, making catherine take her attention away from her nails, and to the girl. catherine just looked at the girl, her eyebrows raised, just giving the girl a nod to her question.

"yes we are- we're such good exes that vinnie still gets up everytime he sees me."

that comment sent kio and eliza off the edge, the two laughing like the two hyenas in lion king, their laughs making it extremely hard for catherine to keep a straight face.

cat looked at her ex to see him struggling to hold a straight face also, the girl sending him a wink. georgia just scoffed in response to catherine's comment.

"is that so?" georgia hit back, cat just nodding her head. kio and eliza were finding this extremely eventful, that much so that kio went and made himself and eliza popcorn, just so they could watch the events unfold.

"it is indeed- now i hate to be a bitch. well actually i don't hate being a bitch- but could you two, you know, leave so we could have our day without you two ruining it?" eliza sent a smile to vinnie as he had looked at her and kio for support after catherine's suggestion, them both just shrugging their shoulders.

"ugh fine. you sound like a right bitch anyway."

"aw thank you! you know that's a compliment in my books." catherine hit back at the supposed to be insult, her waving at the girl as she got up from beside vinnie, of whom didn't move.

"actually georgia, i think it's time that you get home." catherine stifled a laugh before covering her mouth, vinnie just shaking his head at his ex girlfriend.

"what- really vinnie? then you can take me back." catherine raised an eyebrow as she looked at vinnie, the boy just sighing before getting up from the sofa.

"wow you really know how to pick them don't you vincent?" eliza muttered as she got up from the sofa, her pointing her hand at the door. "hey georgia, i'll take you home, just be thankful that it's me and not catherine here."

catherine shook her head at eliza, saying to the girl she didn't have to do that, but eliza said she would because it would be ideal for the two exes to have a chat. and that meant that kio had to go with eliza too.

so they did. catherine shouted goodbye to her two friends, her just sending a sarcastic wave and a "it was lovely to meet you" to georgia before the three left the house.

"she seems nice."

"catherine stop." vinnie commented, to which the girl just scoffed as she leaned back on the sofa, the girl glancing over at vinnie with a smirk on her face.

"me stop? you were the asshole who decided to go out and see another girl, yet you've been with me the whole week!" vinnie opened his mouth, before quickly closing it again. he then proceeded to put his own smirk on his face as he leaned forward.

"is that jealously i hear catherine?" vinnie teased.

"oh you fucking wish vincent. just a little you know confused, considering what you had said and were acting last week."

SORRY. . . hacker ✓Where stories live. Discover now