Buildup (to the Breaking Point)

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lightish smut if you squint yeah bye

"If you don't do it yourself, I'm going to murder you," Alex mutters into her glass as she watches her sister stare lovingly across the apartment. When Kara doesn't give her a response, she rolls her eyes and hits her arm.


"Don't act like that didn't hurt, shitbag!" Kara flips her off at the insult. "How about instead of staring across the room," she hisses in a low voice, "you go over there and kiss her."

"How about you shut up and go get your girlfriend's daughter," her sister returns, pointing a finger at Ruby, who found one of Alex's many tazers hidden around the apartment, even if it wasn't her own.

"Ruby, no!" Alex finishes her drink in one gulp and dashes over, leaving Kara to chuckle in her absence, leaning on the kitchen island as she nurses her drink in her hands.

"She is right, idiot." Somehow Sam had managed to slide next to her without her noticing, but that's probably because she's been too focused on staring at Lena, who's been talking with Brainy for the past half hour about their new idea for water filtration efficiency throughout the city. And seeing her light up at the ideas, talking about her passions and what she's interested in... It made Kara happy. "There's bound to be mistletoe somewhere in this apartment."

"Ha ha, very funny," Kara laughs sarcastically, carefully looking up at the ceiling. "It's not even Christmas. They wouldn't."

"Someone in this damn family would," her friend mutters. "Update me on CatCo and your promotion. How's that going?"

"Pretty well, actually." The blonde looked back towards the living room for a second, catching Lena's eye. She grins and winks at her, getting the Luthor to blush and smile in return, before going back and talking to Sam.

Soon enough, Alex sighed in relief now that Ruby's hands were out and away from her reach of the tazer, which was sitting on top of the fridge. "We'll experiment with it later," she promises, pushing the girl back to the living room with a teasing smile. "Maybe on Uncle Winn."

"Let's not taze Uncle Winn, shall we?" the said uncle says in a high pitch. "Lena, go get Sam and Kara, we've gotta make a decision on game night, it's somewhat of a tie." The woman nods and takes her empty glass about to leave the room before— "Oh, can you get the vodka and shot glasses? There's a possibility of doing truth or drink."

"What about Ruby?" she asks.

"C'mon, I'm almost fifteen," Ruby whines. "My friends have already had a try at it."

"Let me talk to your mother and I'll work something out." Lena winks at her before going to the kitchen, smiling at her friends. "Winn is saying you guys need to break a tie for game night. And there's a possibility of there being truth or drink so I was sent to talk to Sam about her daughter."

"Jesus Christ," the mother mutters, getting a laugh out of Kara. "At least wait till she's knocked out to do that."

Lena somewhat snorted, pouring herself another drink. "Gotcha." Sam leaves with a shake of her head, leaving the two best friends to smile at each other as the blonde gets up. "You seem more giddy than usual."

Kara shrugs, pushing up the sleeves of her button-down a bit. "Having a good night, that's all."

"Well, let's hope it stays that way or even gets better." Lena furrows her brow as she sees the blonde looking at her strangely. "What?"

"Bit of a lipstick smudge. Mind if I help?"

"Not at all," she says with a small hitch in her breath. She watches Kara take a small lick on her thumb and reach it forward to her lips, her other fingers gently underneath her chin. Lena couldn't bear to breathe as she watched and felt her friend's thumb slightly graze under her lower lip, focused on getting rid of the stain and not messing up the makeup any further.

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