Come Back Pt. 2

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this was highly requested, so here's a part 2 of Come Back! sorry for the somewhat crappy ending my mind was blanking lmao

"Well tell him that I'll be out of town." Sam scoffs, crossing her legs as she looks at nothing while on the phone. "I honestly don't care, fire him for all I care. If he's gonna talk tough like a dick even though we know he's a fella with a small cock, then he can go fuck himself with it." She looks at her nails and rolls her eyes. "Absolutely not, Lois. If that guy's being that much of a dick then he doesn't deserve to be higher than you."

Meanwhile, outside of the vessel, Lena was on the phone as well. "Brainy, are you sure?"

"Absolutely," her friend says. "Kara Danvers has been 88.92 percent focused on work more than usual and been 87.32 percent less than her usual self, and about 62.47 percent more involved with Supergirl ethics. Now, if you were to look at the times when you were here, she was significantly happier and would be if you were to return." He pauses, trying to form the right words. "You... wouldn't happen to be coming back, would you?"

"To be determined, Dox. Thank you."

"Of course. Oh, and Lena?"

"Yes, Querl?"

"Everyone misses you." She could hear the smile in his voice, making her smile back bittersweetly, even though he couldn't see her.

"I'll talk to you soon." She hung up as she went up the stairs, seeing her friend finishing her own phonecall.

The woman grins. "Knew you couldn't resist."

"Shut up," Lena muttered, sitting across from her, dropping her phone on the table. "Do we have a plan?"

Sam looked up from her phone, laughing once. "Honey, this is you. Not me. I'm going to catch up with Alex and her girlfriend who so happened to be my roommate in college until she transferred. You, on the other hand, are going to sort things out with Kara."

The plane starts to move, going towards the runway. "Sounds reasonable enough, unfortunately."

Sam slightly frowns and moves to sit next to her, elbowing her gently. "It's okay, Lena."

"I fucked up, how is that okay?"

"You're human, idiot."

"Yet the woman I love is a Kryptonian and I'm a Luthor."

"Romeo and Juliets were Capulets and Montegues yet that didn't stop their love."

"But they inevitably died together."


"I'm stating fact!"

"I highly doubt that will happen." Lena chuckles, leaning onto her shoulder. "Just... go with your heart. And you'll be fine."

"You'll be fine, Aunt Lena." The woman looks around for the young voice and finally looks towards the ceiling with a puzzled look, seeing the teenager's head popping out from the storage compartment. "These are really spacey, wow. You owe me ten bucks, mom."

Sam grins and holds out a ten. "Come get it, ya monkey." The girl flips down and hugs her aunt first before retrieving the bill. The mother shrugs when Lena gives her a puzzled look. "Gymnastics."


"Yeahhh there's a DEO unit here," she stretches out with a smile. "Gotta love Alex Danvers."

Supergirl flew through the DEO balcony, landing next to Alex and walking alongside her. "Done and done. Anything else?"

"Nothing on the radio, but I'll let you know." Her sister nods and turns to leave, but Alex grabs her between the crook of her elbow. "You should rest, Kara. You've bee working nonstop, both here and CatCo."

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