Same Minds, Different Bodies - Part 2

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A knock on her office door the next morning made the Luthor look up from doing, strangely, nothing. All she did was stare out into space, fidgeting with her pen. That was until Kara Danvers knocked on her door.

"Lena, hey!" Since they were in California, times got hot in the middle of spring. So of course, her jaw drops momentarily when she sees Kara in a white button-up shirt, sleeves rolled and bunched up at her elbows, a blue vest, black tie, and slacks. 

When she was done short-circuiting, Lena closed her jaw and smiled. "Hey. Close the door, will you?" She got up to hug her friend, hugging too long to be 'just friends.' "Good to see you."

"You, too." Kara pulled back and asked, "What's up?" as she went over to sit on the arm of the couch, hands in her pockets. 

Lena took in a breath, deciding there was no going back now. Especially when Kara was looking gay as hell. "I was.. unexpectedly visited by an old acquaintance of mine."

The blonde furrowed her brow as she slowly stepped closer to her. "Did they tell you why?"

"Yes," she sighed, wringing her fingers, an old habit of hers. "She told me that she knew I was stuck. She knew when I got lost in my work more deeply than I've ever been invested in it, I just kept mulling over one thought but always pushed it in the back of my mind."

Now the reporter was even more confused. "But if it's related to your work, why push it back in a deep corner?"

"To revisit the thought if it becomes relevant over time or if you want to address it at a later point. Just like you and reporting, you have to report in chronological order, while I, being a CEO and scientist slash engineer, puts off thoughts about, say marketing or testing."

"Is what you're talking about work related?" Lena stopped, about a foot away from where she sat. "'Cause I'm not quite understanding what's going on." Even if the brunette was in a simple, sleeveless black dress with blue and white imitated splat patterns over it, she noticed Kara's eyes flicking up and down at the quickest of motions.

"No," she sighed once more, looking down at her hands, scrunching her lips. "It's not."

"Hey." The soft voice didn't get her to look up, but the grab of her hands by Kara's soft ones made her, feeling a jolt going through her from the contact.

"You can talk to me about whatever," Kara said at the same tone. "I'm always here for you. Whatever you need."

"I don't want to be continuously locked up with a feeling that I don't know how to control."

Kara shrugs. "So just let it out. If you can't control it, don't let it control you to the point 'till your life is a ruckus."

"What if that ruckus is actually a storm caused by someone who walked in it and doesn't know their effect on me?"

"Maybe don't let yourself be locked up with that feeling for, I'm guessing, whoever came into your life. Let them know so that they know their effect, and if they want to act on it as much as you want to, then you both will come to an agreement."

"And what if that storm looked really gay and handsome and was named Kara Danvers?" Kara's mouth fell open the slightest as she processed for three seconds before chuckling once then a grin.

"I'd tell you that the storm wanted to rip off that suit in the hospital." Lena chuckles with her, letting her chin fall on her chest,

"God, I'm a mess," she groaned, mainly to herself, even if it was out loud.

"A really hot one," Kara said, pulling her closer to shuffle nearer and so that Kara's legs were now a little wrapped around her own calfs.

"I find myself keep chasing after you."

"Yeah, well, you caught me now." Lena waits for two seconds before her lips are on hers firmly. A couple seconds later, they both sigh, relaxing into their kiss and molding against each others' lips.

Kara pulls away slowly, both their eyes slightly more dilated than they were before. "Well, now you know your effect," the brunette says. "You make me want to kiss you."

"I have no objections to that." The blonde grinned when she met contact with her lips again, pulling away once more when the thought came to her. "Who was your friend?"

Lena shakes her head, wrapping her tie around her hand . "Unimportant, right now." She pulls her in by her tie for a more heated kiss, both of them eventually falling back on the couch, unaware of the flying Red Daughter outside the window. She smiled before she silently flew off, knowing that her work was done.

sorry if this seemed half assed it's late and I wanted to get this done mkay gnight

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