Save Her - Part 2

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"Supergirl, do you copy?" Brainy asks from below her. He and Dreamer were at the entrance of L-Corp, waiting for the signal to go in. Supergirl herself was floating outside of Lena's office while Alex was going around back with J'onn. The city's streets were empty, as people were afraid that it was certainly the apocalypse.

"We copy, Brainy. Alex?"

"We're at the back entrance," she answers. "On your signal."

"Ready when you are, Supergirl," J'onn says.

"Be on guard," she tells them all. "We don't know what to expect. If any of you lose signal, you retreat and we go back to the rendezvous point. If you find Lena or run into anyone who is a possible threat, you call for help and backup. Is that clear?"

"Crystal," Dreamer answers.

"Let's get our girl back." They all go in their entrances, ready for the infiltration.

Kara lands on the balcony and goes to open the door, but it was already unlocked. She retreated her hand when it moved unexpectedly. "That's not right," she murmured to herself. She toed it open and made her way into the office, inspecting every bit to see if something was out of place.

The only things that seemed to be that way was the alcohol at the bar and some things at her desk. Kara moved behind it, trying to see what was wrong and glass crunched under her boots.

She stepped back to see what was under her shoe and saw that it was a picture. Of her and Lena. 

Well, it was. Only Lena's part of the selfie remained.

Kara recognized the time they took that selfie as she picked up the picture out of the broken frame. On the waterfront when they went out for a walk on an early Saturday morning to watch the sunrise together after a long week of work...

Lena laid her head on Kara's warm shoulder as they sat down on a park bench. "I'm glad I found you."

Kara smiled as she looked down at her, grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers together with a squeeze. "Me too, Lee."

Kara shook her head, getting the memory to go away. She flipped the picture over to see if she missed anything.


She smiled softly before turning back to the task at hand, seeing if the desk had anything. She put the picture off to the side as she grabbed the papers that were scattered from the file.

She scanned through the documents as she got a call through the comms and she tapped in. "What's up? Did you find anything?"

"Kara?" Her voice was even weaker and more tired than before, and Kara's heart ached for her.

"Lena," she whispered, ignoring the papers now. "Lena, where are you?"

"Kara, it's not safe! You can't be here."

"I need to find you, you're all that matters to me."

"You can't, he'll kill you, he'll kill us all."

"We'll stop him."

"You need to leave." Alarms went off in the office making Kara look up in distress and seeing guns come out from the walls. "Kara, I don't want to hurt you."

"You never could. Not on purpose."

"Then I'm sorry." The machines started to whir and shots went off, but before they could hit their target, Kara was phased through the floor and down to the main ground.

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