she makes me float (literally)

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A/N: Hi I'm alive. Super busy and lowkey forgot this app existed. Please please please if you can, go to my ao3 it's jaywrites21 there are more works and stuff there as I'm more active there. Thank you guys so much, maybe I'll see you soon.

Kelly sucked in a breath as the cold cotton pad made contact with her scraped skin. "Ow ow ow!"

"You can take a punch but not an alcohol pad," Alex chuckled, glancing up at her fiancée for a second. "Just two more seconds babe, I promise." She quickly cleaned the rest of the cut and took off the bandaid she stuck to her skin prior. Smoothing it onto her elbow, she smiled. "Done. Wasn't so bad, was it?"

Kelly smiles at how the bandaid matches her ebony skin. "Depends on what part you're talking about. Falling off the bike or going through this hell?"

Rolling her eyes, Alex smiled and kissed her cheek, still staying close. "Both."

"You did not tell me riding a motorcycle was that hard."

"Okay, maybe it's cause I've been riding for years and it feels like a regular bike to me."

"You're ridiculous."

"I love you, too." The two shared a loving kiss with smiles against their lips and just as Alex was about to pull her closer, a gust of wind came through the apartment. "Goddammit!"

"Jesus Christ!" Kelly almost jumps off the couch at the sudden intrusion, sighing when it's just Kara standing at the open window with her fists up in the air and a gigantic smile on her face. "You look incredibly happy."

"Better be worth it," Alex mumbled as she turned on the couch to look at her sister. "What got you all pumped to blast through our window?"

"Okay it was open—"

"Kara, answer the question."

"I kissed Lena!!" Kara's head fell back towards the floor and her body followed.

"Oh god!" Kelly sat up on her knees and sighed in relief when she saw the Kryptonian hovering above the floor, horizontal with it.

She looks back at her fiancée, who is still looking in the general direction of where Kara was. "How are you not reacting to this?"

"I've dealt with this for about fifteen years. C'mon, give me some credit." Alex peered over the back of the couch. "Took you long enough."

"Well I'm sorry that I was repressing my homosexuality all these years." The eldest rolled her eyes at the sarcasm as the Kryptonian floated to be level with the couch, her hands resting on her stomach.

Kelly gently hit Alex's arm at her nonchalant attitude toward the situation. "What made this happen, Kara?"

"Well you know how she just left for Ireland?"


"I went to go see her off and wish her good luck, telling her to call me if she needs something regardless of the time zone difference."

"God, you're so gay."


Kara ignored the two and continued, her hands moving as she spoke. "And she smiled—Rao, her smile is like the sun—and told me she'll be okay but she's glad to have me in her corner and she reached up and kissed my cheek and—"

"Kara, honey, I need you to breathe." Alex struggled to not laugh, her lips pressed together in a smile. "You're eight feet off the ground, sweetheart."

Kara took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. She looked down to her right and saw that she was indeed higher than before. "Whoops." As she floated back down, she continued her story. "And she went up the stairs and I heard her heartbeat, it was so fast. Like she was nervous to do something, like kissing my cheek. So I ran up the jet stairs to stop her and blurted out my feelings and she admitted she's been in love with me like I've been with her and then I asked to kiss her and yeah."

Kelly smiled as the floating woman sighed happily. "That's really sweet. I'm glad the two of you finally got your stuff together."

"To be fair, it has been a rough four years," Alex mumbled into Kelly's shoulder, getting the woman to smile and smooth her hair back affectionately.

"She said we'll talk more when she gets back," Kara said, finally floating to the chair beside the couch and sitting down. Her head was still tilted towards the ceiling with the same, idiot-in-love smile. "Rao, I'm so happy."

"That's all that matters, sis." Alex smiles over at her when Kara finally looks at her. "I mean, she literally makes you float of happiness. Let's hope it doesn't happen in public."

Kelly nodded. "Agreed. Hopefully everything goes well in Ireland for her."

"She just left and it's already been too long since she's been gone," Kara groaned.

"You're incredibly gay."

"Alex, stop bashing your sister for her queerness especially when you've been all lovey-dovey recently."

"No one's supposed to know!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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