Simple Crush?

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"Kara, he knows my address," Nia says to her.

"Anything else?" Kara asks as they step out the elevator.

"He knows what I do every darn morning before I go to work."

"Anything else..." she trails off once they come to a stop at Nia's flower-filled desk. Heck, you couldn't even see the desk because of all the flowers.

Nia lightly giggles with a blush. "And now, he apparently put flowers all over my desk. Do you really think it's just a simple crush?" She didn't get a response, so she looked over at her mentor, seeing her face in a mildly furrowed brow and the gears working in her mind. "Kara?"

"Can you... excuse me for a minute?" She didn't even wait for a response as she slowly backs up from the desk to her office to put all of her things down. She walked out of the floor, looking around to see if anyone was around before taking off at a full sprint, yelling, "HOLD ON, LENA, I'LL SAVE YOU!!" before flying out a window.

A/N: So if you didn't notice, I took my Tumblr post and made it a lil longer. Link to that is in my bio!

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