I Knew It

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"Why didn't you tell me what happened?" Kara asked loudly across her loft to no one but Lena herself.

"Because I knew this was how you'd react," Lena says more calmly. "Just because James-"

"He hit you!" she exclaimed. 

"It wasn't that bad, Kar." The blonde sighed and walked over to unfold the Luthor's crossed arms to shrug down her flannel and under the long-sleeved cloth, there was a fist-sized purple bruise on her left bicep that was exposed from the tank top. Lena shrank back a bit at her cold fingertip touch, but mostly the pressure, even if it was just a slight touch.

"You call that 'not bad?'" Kara asks, stepping back so Lena could pull it back up. 

The night before, Lena came over in the dark night, slightly shaking, tears threatening to fall out. Kara ushered her in and made sure she was okay for the night, letting her stay for as long as she needs, giving her what she needed. The next night, they finally got to talking about what happened, and well... As you can see, it's not going that well.

"I've had worse," the brunette muttered. 

Kara raised her eyebrows in shock. "What?"

"You think growing up with my mother didn't have negative outcomes?" Lena scoffed at even the thought of her mother. "Arguments about my lifestyles and choices spiraled me into a world where I thought I could never come out of. I've had assassination attempts, abusive relationships I thought I could never escape, and much more depressing shit in my life ever since I've become a Luthor," she listed off, stepping closer to Kara, seeing a small frown on her lips that was framed from an out of place strand of hair from her bun. 

"I can take a hit, Kara," she says softly, moving the said golden strands behind her ear and caressing her cheek to ensure she was okay and didn't want to make her cry.

"What if one becomes too many?" Kara asks softly.

"Did I mention I was a Luthor?" Lena joked, matching her tone. Even if it was a joke, it's not what Kara perceived it as, scoffing slightly and taking Lena's hand in hers to drop it from her face. 

"Lena, I'm serious," she says, walking away from her and to the island, bracing herself on the table with her hands, looking directly at her. Lena fought her stare with a raised eyebrow.

After a minute and a half of staring, Kara sighed and took her glasses off, throwing them in front of her to rub the tiredness from her eyes with a hand. "I just don't like to see you hurt."

"Kara, look at me, I'm fi-" Lena stopped what she was saying when the reporter did as she was told. 

The blonde cocked her head at her and blinked tiredly. "What?"

"I knew it," she whispered. "You're her."

Kara first didn't know what she was talking about, but then she glanced down at the glasses in front of her and her eyes widened. "Lena, I swear-"

"Save it," she said with no emotion in her voice, walking briskly to get her purse and heels. "I finally had a friend I could trust, but it turns out she couldn't trust me."

"Lena, please," Kara followed her to the door and grabbed her wrist, stopping her from walking out.

When Lena turned back to meet her eyes, the usually shining emerald green eyes were dull and glassy, filled with no emotion. 

"Lena, let me explain," Kara pleaded. "Please."

"Guess us Luthor's aren't worth trusting after all," she whispered. She pulled her hand away from Kara and left, the click of her heels getting more distant with every step from the Kryptonian, who just stood there in shock.

A/N: I've NEVER written angst before as far as I know and idk how I feel rn. Do we want a part two?? Let me know!

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