Your One-Shot Pt. 3

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hi this one's a little fast paced due to me drawing this out in three pieces when it could've been two and also I realize this was also way overdue for an update but life has been really crazy and numbing but here we go 

The city has fallen completely dark by the time Lena's almost reached the destination. The further she goes, the more she recognizes the place and soon the GPS is unnecessary. She knows where she's going now, realizing how much her memories affected her to this day.

She slows the car down once she reaches the top of the hill, turning off the car and stepping out silently, watching the silhouette of the woman in front of her as she watches the stars above. No cape was donned, no suit. Just her.

"Remember when we came here?" Lena asked, noticing a small tilt of her head, knowing she brought her out of her stare and had her attention. "You surprised me with a picnic and stargazing on top of your car, like an old cheesy rom-com."

The Kryptonian stayed looking at the stars, her emotions and facial expressions unknown to the woman behind her. "Yeah. One of my favorite nights with you." From her voice, the brunette could tell it was reminiscent with some hint of regret in it. She didn't know why.

"You regret something," the brunette states, slowly approaching her. "What is it?"

She saw Kara's figure go up and down from the sigh she heard. "I was going to tell and well... show you who I really was, and not just Supergirl."

"I'm... confused." Lena's lips parted slightly when the woman in front of her started floating up, her silhouette standing out from the night sky and stars, watching her turn around and float towards, landing mere inches away from her.

"I was going to tell you that I'm bisexual and I am very much in love with you. But when you exploded on me, I felt like I lost you and I would never get you back. But... you're here now. Why?"

Lena inhaled and exhaled shakily, shaking her head a bit as she looked around. "I realized how badly I messed up. I lashed out the other night because I really wanted to hear it from you and I didn't want my own best friend to lie to me like that for years and years. I just couldn't believe it. But then Alex brought me all of the evidence of you saving me, no matter in the suit or not. And... I realized I couldn't just give that up. Everything that I have and what I can have with you in the future." 

Kara's lips slowly went into a smile the more and more she said and after her last word she took her face in her hands and kissed her softly, pulling back when she felt the smaller woman freeze, but is pulled back in by her shirt, the fist relaxing on her chest as the other hand trails around to her shoulders.

Lena nuzzled her nose against the blonde's smiling at her giggle. "I'm sorry for everything, I should've let you explain."

"We all make mistakes, Lena," Kara simply says, smiling lovingly at her. "I'm really glad I found you."

"Me too."

Hi been a minute anywhoo uhhhhh new chapter of the sequel? SOON I PROMISE sometime by the end of this month i've been in a real writer's block and super busy with school and everything else but it'll be here dudes i miss you all muah love you too

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