Drinking the Pain Away - Part 2

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yeah, hi, I totally forgot that I posted part one, I've just been so busy and writing the Crisis so hopefully (you should know me by now, when I say hopefully, it means maybe not for a while sorry sorry sorry) it'll be out soon (I know what I just said but I truly mean it or maybe I'm just confusing myself ugshdozlfnosdlknzf) but YEAH HERE WE GO

"No hard feelings, right, Super Danvers?"

Kara smiled as she gave Sara a shake at her hand. "No hard feelings."

Sara nodded with a smile as she patted her bicep. "Go get the girl."

After arriving back on her earth, Kara hovered in front of the balcony of L-Corp, seeing Lena on the couch, legs tucked under her as she sat, glass of scotch in hand as she swirled it, staring off into nothing. She took it in, thinking if she was going to be mad if she saw her as who she was right now. So instead, she flew off silently to not disturb the Luthor and came up the elevator in her Kara Danvers outfit, hair half up, half down, glasses perched on her nose.

She knocked on the doors and heard a soft, "Come in." She opened the door and saw Lena in the same position she just saw her in. She closed the door gently and that's when Lena looked up. Kara wasn't sure what she saw in her eyes or her expression; she almost seemed empty.

"You know," Kara said, putting her hands in her pockets as she walked over in the middle of the room, in front of her, "I think I know just the way to make you energized again."

"Kara," Lena sighed, shaking her head. "I'm not in the mood."

"Okay, so if you're not in the mood to hear about another earth and Nazis—"

"Definitely later."

"—then can we talk?"

Lena sighed again. "What is there to talk about?" she asked, getting up to refill her drink at the bar. "You lied to me, Kara." She gripped the bar to control herself. "The one person that I thought trusted me with everything lied to me about something big." Lena shook her head in disbelief as she bowed it down, refusing the tears to come out as she shuddered. "I thought you were different."

Kara was silent for a moment, collecting her thoughts and seeing the quite broken Luthor in front of her. The woman who could break down walls. The woman who ran her own company as its CEO at 23 years old. The woman who could make men wither under the gaze of her sharp glare through her emerald green eyes that Kara found herself getting lost in. The woman that she was falling in love with, and didn't want to stop.

"I am different," she said quietly. "More so than anyone on this planet. I had to hide who I was for fifteen years, I still do now," Kara said with a shrug. "Probably for the rest of my life to outside people." She saw Lena take a gulp of her drink, not even shuddering at the burn down her throat.

"Do you know why I didn't tell you?" she asked, taking small, silent, tentative steps towards her as she took down her hair.

"Because I'm a Luthor. And obviously, our families histories do not go well together."

"No," Kara said immediately, shaking her head profusely, even though Lena couldn't see her. "It was never that.

"It was because I wanted to protect you. Yes, you are a badass CEO of her own multi-billion company, but you're also a Luthor, meaning you have targets on your back. And I didn't want to add Kara Zor-El to the equation to put your life more in danger." Kara was now at her back. She saw her still shaking, so she slowly and gently put her hand over Lena's right, feeling her jump a bit at the touch, but relax a bit.

"Alex, James, J'onn, Winn. They told me not to tell you since they weren't completely sure if they could trust you with my secret." Kara took off her glasses and set them down next to the drinks to place her other hand on Lena's, softly intertwining her fingers with hers. "I fought against them so much for you because I know you are not like your family. You're making a name for yourself outside of the family name." Her front was now against Lena's back as she stopped shaking and let a couple of tears fall from her eyes silently.

"And not to sound selfish, but I also didn't tell you because of me." Lena's eyes snapped open at hearing that. "I wasn't sure that if you'd accept me for being who I am, my background, and what I am."

"Oh, Kara," Lena said softly, turning around in her arms now to face the Kryptonian, who was bowing her head slightly lower to catch Lena's eyes. She stroked her cheek, brushing a strand of hair away. "Of course I would accept you."

"Can't blame a girl for worrying," Kara chuckled lowly. "But, there was something else that was stopping me."

Lena tilted her head a bit to the side, confused as to what that might be.

"I didn't tell you because I just wanted to be me. I wanted to be Kara Danvers around you. The same Kara Danvers who's been falling in love with you since day one." Kara and Lena both blushed at her admittance, not speaking for three heartbeats until Lena said something.

"I was mad at you because I let it get in the way," Lena admits, looking down at her chest, right where the House of El crest would be. "I thought if I let that happen, then my feelings for you would've gone away, too. But they didn't." She looks back up in her eyes as she whispered, "I'm falling in love with you, too, Kara Zor-El," before connecting her red, ruby lips with Kara's soft pink ones.

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