Where Is She?

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Prompt: Based off 4x03 and 04. The kryptonite bomb went off while Kara and Lena are in the middle of their relationship. Lena's worried about Kara (she knows that she's Supergirl) and does her best to make sure the earth's atmosphere is kryptonite free. Oh, and it is up to you how you will end it.

Lena almost runs down the stairs. "Alex," she calls out, running towards her once she lands. "Alex, where is she? Is she alright? What happened?"

"Lena, Lena, hey, calm down," she responded, taking her by the shoulders to brace her. She looked in her eyes and saw them a darker shade of green than normal, tears threatening to fall out, but she kept them at bay. 

"Deep breaths, okay?" Lena nodded and gulped down some air, nodding again to tell her she was okay. "Alright, come on, this way."

When Alex lead her into the room, Lena almost stopped walking at the sight. Kara, her girlfriend, was on the table, her chest barely moving up and down as she breathed, her veins all around her exposed skin glowing green.

"Kara," she whispered, her fingers ghosting her pale skin. She looked up at the three concerned faces of Brainy, J'onn, and Alex. "What do we know?"

"Kryptonite was dispersed throughout the atmosphere," J'onn explains. "She was on her way back from D.C. when Jensen released it."

"Jensen as in...?" she trails off in question.

Alex sighed. "A DEO rookie corrupted by Children of Liberty assistants."

Lena looks up to the lamps and back down at her body, the kryptonite shield on her chest. "This isn't enough." She reaches in her purse and pulls out a compact disk. "But this will be."

"Impressive." Brainy plucks the disk out of her hand, rotating it in his own. "A compact suit for Supergirl, which will help her intake oxygen without being exposed to the only thing that can weaken her, all packed in this tiny vessel." He hands it back to her, looking down at her. "Well done."

Lena doesn't say anything and looks back to the director. "As he said, this will help her from being further exposed to the kryptonite."

"Alright," Alex nods. "Do it."

Lena places the vessel on the House of El crest in the center, pressing the middle so that the technology could spread over her and encase her in a blue suit, the crest gold and there. 

Alex looked over at her vitals and sighed in relief. "They're going up slowly." She nods to the CEO. "Thank you."

Lena nods wordlessly, placing a hand on Kara's encased forearm, worried more than ever. "It'll take a little bit of time before the suit's done filtering the kryptonite out of her system and before she's conscious. I'll get to work," she said the last part quietly. She then left swiftly out the room, heels clicking behind her. 

"And I, too, shall proceed in looking for ways to eliminate the substance of kryptonite in the air." Brainy leaves, J'onn and Alex remaining.

"I'm scared, J'onn," Alex admits, putting a fist on her mouth to keep her composed.

"Kara is your sister," he says, coming around to her side to give her a well-needed hug. "She's a fighter thanks to you."

Alex nodded in his embrace. "You go make sure there's no havoc outside, I'll be right out." He nods, leaving her alone with her sister.

She looks down at her, even if she can't see her face through the black shield. "I need you to fight it, Kar," she whispers to her. "Please. Not for me, but for Lena."

In a separate room where all the technology was to help save the Kryptonian in peril. When the door opens behind her, Lena wipes her tears away from her eyes and turns around from the table with the tech and sees Brainy.

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