I Always Knew

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Supergirl landed softly on Lena's balcony at L-Corp late at night. She was doing her nightly patrol and saw that her office was the only one on. Not surprising since that woman was a workaholic.

The door was open so that a cool night's breeze could come through as she worked. Kara loved this; seeing Lena so indulged in her work, hunching over blueprints, computer open, pen tapping slightly either at her desk or lip when she was concentrating. This time, on the desk. Supergirl knocked softly on the balcony window to let her know she was there. Lena jumped a bit, but when she turned around, she eased up and smiled.

"Supergirl." Lena got up and joined her outside on the balcony, leaning against the doorframe. "What brings you here?"

The Kryptonian leaned back against the railing to look at her. "Well, I was doing my nightly patrol and saw that your office was the only one illuminated. I was just concerned."

Lena smiled and nodded in appreciation. "Well, thank you for your concern, but I am alright. Just finishing up a project."

"At almost midnight?" Supergirl chuckles, Lena soon joining her. "At this time of night, most people would be asleep."

"Yet you are not."

"Neither are you. You are a workaholic, Miss Luthor."

"Mmm," Lena hummed in thought as she walked the short distance to the railing with her, leaning on her arms to look out across the city below her. "I say extremely devoted. And please, Lena."

Supergirl smiled. "You are extremely devoted, yes, when it comes to your work. Including, of course, when it comes to the city." She looked up at the sky to see the stars as she breathed out of her nose. "That's one of the things I admire about you."

Lena raised an eyebrow as she turned her head to look at her, intrigued at what the hero just said. "You admire me?"

"Of course," she says, not even looking back. "Everyone has someone they admire. I admire my family for taking me in and being so strong for and with me, my friends for being supportive of me, and you being who you are. Standing outside of the Luthor name, trying to prove everyone wrong that you are not an immoral Luthor." The hero looks back at her, eyes glistening in the light, blue standing out in the darkness. "You're you. And I admire you for being your own person, even when something as terrible as your family name can curse you for life."

Lena nods at her words. "Thank you. I guess I admire you, too, for saving my ass all those times."

The Super chuckles. "I'll always be there to save you, M- Lena."

Lena smirks as she subtly moves a bit closer to her. "So say if I was falling in love with someone, would you save me from falling even deeper in love?"

"Well," she started, a light blush creeping up on her. "It depends on who."

"Say it's someone we both know, but I'm not sure if they reciprocate my feelings like that."

Supergirl looks back up at the stars. "Well, don't run away from it. That's what I've learned. I've done that before, and it only made things worse than they were when I was trying to fugure myself out. I learned to embrace myself and love myself for who and what I am and I don't want to stop. I don't want to stop being Kryptonian, alien, bisexual, and sometimes very human-like," she says with a chuckle. She turns back so that she was facing the young Luthor in front of her. "Embrace who you love. Don't run away from it. We didn't get to where we are and who we are now by running away from everything."

"We love who we want to love because of who they are and what they mean to us," Lena said. "I, honestly, haven't had that many people involved in my life for me to love." She takes a step closer to the hero, looking directly in her eyes. "The person I've been falling in love with has been there for me ever since we've met. Stood up for me, cared for me, supported me, saved me more times than I can count. Yes, we had our ups and downs, but what relationship doesn't?" She took the Kryptonians hand in hers, surprised at how soft her skin was. "I'm falling in love with you, Kara. And I find myself falling in love with you more and more each day."

"How did you know?" Kara breathed.

"Darling, your disguise is not that foolproof," Lena chuckles. "And your scar above your eyebrow is still there," she says as she puts her thumb over her left eyebrow. "I always knew it was you."

Kara chuckles lightly. "You're a genius CEO who I love."

Lena's thumb trails down the side of her face. "Really?"

"It's your lucky day, Miss Luthor, because I'm in love with you, too." Kara pulls Lena closer by her hand and puts her other arm around her. "And I've been wanting to kiss you for ages."

"Well, I think that can be worked out."

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