Not This Time

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based on that dELETED SCENE IN 4x18 OMLLLL ALL THAT FREAKIN CONTENT FROM S4 IT WAS AMAZING this was written like last year deal with it(slightly smutty so go forth at your own risk)

Supergirl drops down on Lena's balcony on L-Corp, placing down the brunette gently from their visit to Stryker's Island, the blonde letting her go in first and follows behind slowly. She puts a finger to her comms device in her ear, grimacing slightly groaning at the high pitch that was sent to her. 

Lena turned around at her noise of discomfort, angling her head. "What is it?"

The hero's brow is furrowed as she says, "Something's happening at the DEO. Alex just warned me to stay away."

The brunette looked slightly concerned as she asked, "Are you gonna go anyway?" Her voice gave away her sincerity, the amount of care in her voice, as well as in her eyes.

Supergirl shook her head, eyes going down and slightly trailing up the Luthor's body, reaching her eyes as she said, "Not this time."

Lena's eyebrow went up after she saw the movement of her eyes, placing the device in her hand down on her desk. "How do you know I know you didn't do it?"

The blonde quirks her head at the question. "Excuse me?"

"You came to my penthouse asking if Alex and I were going to arrest you, and I said we know you didn't do it. How did you know I wasn't messing around with you?" 

"Well, for one, I have super-hearing."

"Use your head, Zor-El," Lena jabs playfully, rolling her eyes when she sees blue eyes widen, stepping closer to reassure her. "Oh, come on. Even I saw the airing of your stand on the alien march."

Supergirl chuckles once, shaking her head as she looks around the office at anything but the woman in front of her. "I told you at the beginning of our relationship that I'm a pretty good judge of character. And that hasn't failed me yet."

"Just because of a notion you had in your head made you know that I wasn't going to arrest you?" The blonde looked back and Lena was meer inches in front of her and her breath caught in her throat at her beautiful features up close.

Luthor's eyes flicked down her suit and back up to her eyes. "Tell me, Kara... Why do you trust me?"

She knew she wasn't thinking, but the pause between the next spoken words was filled with a heavy thought and tension, knowing it could change their whole dynamic together. 

And soon enough, Supergirl whispered in her softest voice, "Because I love you, Lena."

And that's all she had to say to get the red lips on hers, begging for more as Lena pulled her down by the back of her neck. The hero held her firmly at her hips, kissing her back just as passionately, hands moving down to lift her on top of the desk, groaning when the CEO opened and wrapped her legs around her to pull her closer as her hands moved to cup her cheeks. 

Both of them moan slightly as they slow down from the intense first kiss, the blonde's thumb moving up to stroke her cheek as they pull back, timidly opening her eyes to see Lena's dark full of lust.

Before she could say anything, Lena whispered, "I love you too, Kara." 

At first her mouth fell open slightly in shock, but then into a small, watery smile, glad that the truth was finally out there. Kara went to kiss her again, feeling freer than ever when she felt her hands travel down her body.

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