I Knew It - Part 3

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When Kara opened the door, her mouth dropped open. "Hey," she breathed, certainly surprised.

Lena weakly smiled. "Hi, Kara. Can we talk?"

"Um," she stutters. "Yeah, yeah. Sure, come in." She opens the door wider so Lena could walk in. Even if she were nervous on the inside, she still showed on the outside the fierce CEO she was.

Kara closed the door and turned around, seeing her friend fidget with her fingers, wringing them out. She sighed, moving to the fridge to get out two beers that are normally Alex's. "Whatever's going on in your head and making you this nervous, I can tell you haven't had liquid courage yet." She flips off the caps with her thumbs and offers one out to her as she sits down at the island.

Lena smiles that same smile as she takes the bottle and stands across from her, a wordless thank you. She takes a long sip, settling it down with a muted clink against wood. "Look, Kara," she started softly, staring down at her hands that were covering the glass bottle. "What I did the other day... That was immature of me."

Kara didn't say anything except raise an eyebrow as she sipped from her drink.

"I-" she let out a frustrated sigh from her nose. "I just never expected it to be you because you're so..."

"Different?" she suggests.

Lena laughs softly. "I was going to say you." Green eyes flicked up to blue, the emerald colors being shyer than normal. "You're so bubbly, so kind, sweet, funny, clumsy, everything that makes you, you is not what I was expecting. Sure, I had my suspicions in the beginning," she mutters in her drink, sipping and setting it down. "But that's because you were a little... obvious is the term I'll use."

Kara swallows her alcohol. "Would you believe me if I told you everyone in my life told me not to tell you?"

She nodded. "Earlier on the tarmac, Alex talked to me. She said that it was her fault for what happened between us."

The blonde nodded. "In the beginning, it was because I just got to know you and didn't trust you. And later on, we had so many problems to handle and take care of, it just kept getting pushed down." She went to fidget with her glasses, but they weren't there, so she brushed her hair back instead, scratching at the back of her head and staring down at the counter.

"She also said something else..." Kara looked up at her when she trailed off, blue once again meeting green. She furrowed her brow, The Crinkle showing up for a second before her eyes widened.

"Goddamit, Alex," she groaned in her native tongue, hiding her face in her hand, as well as some colorful curses. She also said something else that sounded different to cursing, which the brunette tilted her head at.

"Mind saying that in English so the rest of us can know what that means?" Lena says, slightly amused, trying to hide her smile.

"It means I love you, you dork," Kara said, picking her head up and standing up to lean against the table next to Lena.

Lena chuckled and smiled genuinely as she held her gaze with the blonde. "English, darling."

Kara leaned forward and pressed her lips softly to Lena's, bringing her hand up to caress her cheek daintily. When she pulled back, Lena's eyes slowly fluttered open, her cheeks slightly rosy. "How's that for English?" she muttered with a small grin.

"Technically not English," she muttered back and chuckled with her. "But I'll take it. I still want to know what you said; you're not getting away with it."

Kara chuckled to herself. "First I said some curses that can't be translated to English, that's how bad they are. Then, I said, I love you, you dork." A beat. Two. 

Then, she inhaled sharply when Lena's lips were on hers again, smiling as they broke apart.

"I shouldn't have walked out on you," Lena says. "Or said what I did. I'm sorry. I love you, too."


Lena pressed her lips on hers again, not being able to contain her own grin this time. "Yeah."

An hour later, there was a knock on Kara's door. "Lena." A hum. "I need to get that."

Lena just held on tighter as she cuddled her on the couch. "No."

Kara sighed and turned her head to x-ray and see who was at the door. "It's open!"

Alex and Sam came through, hand in hand. "Hey," they said together, Alex going to get beers.

"Hey," the two on the couch said back.

Sam raises her eyebrows at the more than one voice and looks over from the counter at the couch. "Lena?"


Alex choked on her beer, almost spitting it out. "What?" she coughed horsely.

"Yeah, I'm here too, guys," Kara says.

"Duh, you live here," Sam says, patting Alex's back.

Alex silently creeps over to the couch and furrows her brow deeply. "Since when did this happen?"

Sam comes over and shrugs. "At least Lena doesn't have a hand down Kara's pants." She throws her head back and laughs when Alex backhands her arm and when a blush creeps up on Kara's face.

"You think you're funny, Sam," Lena says, picking her head off Kara's chest to look up at her friend. She smirks and points to her collarbone. "Looks like someone's getting laid soon. And it's not me."

"How do you know that?" Kara mutters low as Alex looks at where Lena pointed at Sam's neck and covers her mouth in shock and to maybe suppress her laughter. Lena looks down at her and Kara only grins back at her.

"You said I looked fine!" Sam exclaimed as she pulled her shirt up to try and cover the hickey.

"Because the shirt was covering it! And you said I could leave marks!" Lena and Kara snicker at them, the CEO trying not to fall off the couch with her laughter.

"If they could be concealed," she stresses.

"It was concealed, wasn't it?! Before Luthor pointed it out."

"Do that again and you're answering to Ruby," the mother threatens.

"Oh, God," Alex groans. "I need a beer," she mutters, going back to the kitchen.

Lena looked back up and grinned when she took another gulp. "Don't choke on that again and let Sam do that instead!" Alex choked again and Sam seemed to choke on air, turning red, while Kara had nothing to say except,

"You all are gonna be the death of me," she mutters as Lena laughs loud and long she eventually falls off the couch.

This Super Family was in for a wild ride.

A/N: I feel like I should write more Super Family one-shots *i.e. J'onn, Eliza, Alex, Sam, Maggie, Ruby, y'know, the gang. Feel like that'd be nice to read. What do you guys think? You're welcome to prompt or share ideas!


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