Club Night

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LMAO OKAY i started writing this when SuperCorp Support GC was first started so AND it so happens to be my friends birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA THIS ONES FOR YOU

Two days ago...

Kara screamed in excitement when she opened the email, floating off the ground in her apartment, kicking her legs and shaking her fists like a little child. She flew to her phone and called the first person on her mind.

"Kara, it's seven am on a Wednesday, I'm not supposed to be up for another half hour," Alex groaned. "What do you—"


She heard ruffling of sheets and her sister processing. "What?"

"I. Got. A. Pulitzer."


"Yes!" she squealed.

"What does Kara want," she heard Kelly mumble.

"Kara got a Pulitzer!"


"For my expose article on Lex!" Kara adds. "Holy Rao."

"Dude, you have to call Lena! She's gonna be so proud."

"Great idea!"

And was Lena exultant. She just knew Kara was going to get some sort of recognition award and that she deserved it.

"Hey, there's a club that's having its grand opening Friday night," Lena tells her. "You, me, the girls and Brainy can go and celebrate. Girls night plus one."

"Sounds fun, can't wait."

"I'm so proud of you, Kara."

Kara smiles into the phone. "I couldn't have done this without you."

"Well, I'm your source when you need something. I'll send the address and a time Friday night and meet you there."

"Alright, bye, Lena."


It was 7:49 pm and Alex, Nia, and Kelly were all waiting on Kara's couch, all with their heads resting on the back of it as they heard Kara zoom back and forth through outfits. "Kara, I swear to my God and yours—"

"You're an atheist, Alex," she says as she speeds through another dress, ignoring her sister's flip off. Nia was in a sparkly blue and teal dress, Kelly in a backless v-shaped green one that went to her knees, and Alex in a white straight shirt with black pants and a light blazer that was currently hanging off the couch. The gang was supposed to meet Lena at the club at eight, and one hero was nowhere near ready.

Alex picks her head up to look over at Nia. "Does your planet have their own god?"

"Nope," she answers, picking her head up to glare at her mentor. "Someone's going to knock on your door and it better be a clothes deliverer." Two seconds after she said so, there was a knock, to which Kelly's head came up in surprise.

"God, that's going to take a while to get used to."

Alex shrugs as she goes over to open it.  "You'll be fine. Hi Brainy."

"Even better," Kelly murmurs to Nia, who blushes and tucks a hair behind her ear when she sees her smirk.

"I called it."

"Greetings," he says, coming in and holding out a white paper bag strangely in one hand and a bouquet of red tulips in the other. "Er, Lena's driver was downstairs when I arrived and noticed me, so he informed me to bring this up to Kara." He was wearing a maroon blazer over a white shirt, classic.

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