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A/N: Ik it's not Christmas, but imagine these scenes with Kara instead of James. And this may or may not be used in the future for future fics, fyi. And I changed up the end a bit

"You know," Sam said, coming up from behind Lena at the island and pouring herself some whiskey, pulling Lena out of her trance. "If you wanted, you could pull Kara Danvers right under that mistletoe."

Lena raised her eyebrows at her, giving her an unbelievable look. "Kara? Don't be ridiculous."

"I mean, I think she likes you." Sam looked at Lena over her glass as she sipped. Lena looked back over at everyone else and saw Kara looking at her with a smile before shooting her a wink and turning back to Winn and Ruby. Whether it was platonic or romantic, Lena didn't know, but she did know it made her weak.

"I'm her boss," Lena points out as she turned back.

"Mmm," she hummed into her glass as she sipped. "Yes, like that's never happened before," Sam said, giving her a look.

"Hey," Alex says, coming around her side and giving Sam a kiss.

Sam grinned as she kissed her again. "Hey."

"And, I don't mean to eavesdrop-"

"Sure, babe; you're an undercover agent, it's what you do."

"-but I've been noticing chemistry between you two for weeks now."

Sam raised her eyebrows as she pointed at her girlfriend with a finger that was holding her glass and giving Lena a knowing look. "Even she sees it and she has a terrible gaydar."

"There's no chemistry, alright?"


"It's off the charts," Sam said, interrupting her before Alex said something.

Lena smiled at them with a hint of mischief and jokingly. "I'm going to have to kill you both, but I wouldn't have my best friend and she wouldn't have her girlfriend and my other best friend wouldn't have her sister."

The two snickered at her and the night continued on with food, more music, laughter, and drinks. Soon, J'onn came up to Kara. "We gotta go. There's a situation."

After marking her territory with her house crest on top of CatCo, she changed back into her Kara Danvers clothes and walked into the very same building. She stopped at the television where Lena was, watching Morgan Edge. "Sociopathic cockroach," Lena says, turning swiftly on her heel into the clear office, Kara following her.

"He'll get what he deserves," she says, hands in her pockets. "Guys like him always do."

"You know, today was the second time you've saved my life?" Lena said as she went over to the mini-bar. "Beginning to become some sort of hobby."

"Right place, right time," Kara said with a chuckle.

"I know, Supergirl." That made Kara stop in her tracks. "Kara, I've known for a while," Lena admits. "At least now I can stop pretending like I didn't know."

Kara sighs as she walks towards her "I'm sorry."

"Relax, darling, I'm not mad. Now, I owe you a drink," she said as she pours them glasses of scotch.

"That's a heavy pour," she comments as she takes the glass and faces her.

"Well, it's a heavy day."

"Well, to heavy days and Christmas Eve," Kara toasts, clinking her glass against Lena's while Lena doesn't return the toast, only stares at her with a gleam in her eyes, glancing at her up and down. Kara slightly raises her eyebrows as she sips her drink and looks back at Lena, her glass not leaving its heightened state in the air.

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