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9. "You can't banish me! This is my bed, too!"

Lena sighed, squirming out of Kara's arms and to the other side of the cool bed, sighing in relief this time. She was able to enjoy the two minutes of being in a comfortable bed temperature before Kara's arm draped over her again, pulling her close.

"Kara," she whined. "Let me go."

"Mm comfy," she mumbles back, nuzzling her neck.

"Yes, but you're literally an oven in the middle of July in California." Lena tries to squirm away, but the blonde holds tighter, making her sigh again. "Get out."

"What?" Now the blonde was fully awake as she sat up on her elbow and her head popped up to look down at her lover.

"I didn't stutter, did I?"

"Are you telling me to get out of our apartment?"

"No, I'm telling you to get out of my bed."

"This is our bed. Practically everything in this apartment is shared!"

"Wanna tell that to your sister?" Kara sighs, probably shaking her head, though Lena couldn't tell since her eyes were closed. "Go on a fly or somethin'," she says, moving to get comfortable on her side, sighing when she was comfy. "That might cool you down. Or maybe it's your weird alien biology."

"You happen to be dating this weird alien."

"I stand by my statement." The blonde sighed again, rubbing a hand over her face. "Take your weird alien butt and your sighing to the couch."

"You can't banish me! This is my bed, too!"

"Who replaced the bed when someone broke it?"

The Kryptonian sighed. "You did, dear," she mumbled.

"Mm-hmm, so that technically makes it my bed."

"You're really gonna kick me out of the bed just because I'm too warm?" she states more than asks.

"You best believe it, love," Lena mumbled. She heard another sigh before a kiss on her temple and shuffling of the sheets. "Leave your pillow. I want your scent."

"Yes, Lee," she mutters, pulling up the sheet to her torso. "Love you." When she gets a sleepy hum, that's when she moves to the living room to crash down on the couch, pulling a blanket over her, falling asleep to Lena's heartbeat.

In the morning, Lena sighed and muttered, "You couldn't stay away, could you?"

"Nope," Kara mumbles in her neck, still somewhat asleep. "Love you too much." Lena sighed when Kara tried to scoot impossibly closer, wrapping tighter around her torso with her arms.

"I guess I can survive an hour," she mumbles, Kara humming in agreement, both of them soon falling back asleep.

a lil short shot 'cause I got a couple of requested prompts and then a new song inspo yo I have SOOOO many drafts that either have a prompt and unwritten, half written, or just some prompts saved on insta that I can use and bro it's just fbwroisfsol

but I'll have time in a month because I AM PROMOTING IN A MONTH LEGGOOOO but yeah high school here we come

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