When In Kaznia...

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Eve stands in front of Lena in the white, pristine room, unfazed of the fact that a weapon is right in front of her. The tension is cold, evil from both sides.

She looks down her nose at the electric stick, her eyes flicking back up at the cold, green ones. "You know how to use that?"

"Don't test me," Lena growls.

Eve's eyes go behind her and she smiles. "Kara. What a surprise. Or, not really, considering you follow Lena around like a lost puppy and vice versa. Well, when you're not upset at each other for being nowhere to be found when needed."

Kara sneers and Lena answers before she can even open her mouth. "You had everything in place ever since you came to CatCo two years ago, didn't you?"

Eve shrugged, tilting side to side. "Somewhat. Mon-El was an added factor, though."

"I don't see how," the blonde says from behind.

"Oh? You don't?" The evil ex-assistant grinned. "I purposefully dated him so that you were jealous and driven away from Lena. And don't lie to any of us here, saying you loved him, because we all know that's not true."

"What's your point?" Lena growls.

"Leave. Before your brother and I make moves we'll regret."

"You really think my brother will do something to me that he's going to regret?" She chuckles emptily. "Good luck with that."

Eve's head goes side to side in a weird movement like a bobblehead. "Fine. Just don't say I didn't warn you." She pulls out a pistol from her pocket and Lena's eyes widen when she pulls the trigger, closing her eyes and wincing at the bang, but not feeling any pain. 

She opens them and sees Eve flickering. "You're so gullible. Tata." She clicks away and out comes Otis from the ceiling in her place, crashing down in front of them.

He grins, and not a warm one. "Hey, you two. Uncle Lex wants to talk."

"We're not going anywhere with you," Lena says, backing up with an arm out in front of Kara.

"Fine. Have it your way." He sneers and puffs his chest out, making the kryptonite blast out of his chest and in their direction.

Lena expects to be blasted back against the tables in the lab but isn't. Instead, it's Kara that gets blasted out and away, groaning at the impact.


"Aw, did I hurt your bezzie mate?" Otis mock pouts as she rushes over to her, bending down to help her up.

She looks down and sees that her glasses are shattered as she helped her with a hand, but the hand was... greener?

"Kara." Her voice was light, airy, sounding like she was on the verge of tears when she wasn't.

With a grimace, Kara sat up on her side, whipping back her hair to show her veins under her skin glowing green as she gasped with pain, the front of her sweater burned through to show the House of El crest of her suit underneath. "Got a kryptonite shield?"

Lena's frozen for two seconds before she reaches inside her blazer, holding out the transparent shield to her but pulling back when she reached for it. "Just because I'm helping you doesn't mean I'm not mad."

"Lena!" She puts the device in her hand and on the crest just as soon as Otis shot another beam and she stood up over Lena, fighting with the beam, stepping closer to him, grunting at the pain. She reaches arm's distance and sweeps him off his feet with a leg, almost letting him fall to the ground as she quickly changed into her Supergirl suit, getting him in a chokehold when she was done.

"Wait 'till the man knows that she knows," he grunts, struggling. Kara only sighs, turns him around on his knees and punches him in the jaw, making him flop to a heap, unconscious.

She drops her chin on her chest, touching the plate to put it back in its original shape and in her hand and when she turns around, Lena's finger is on her chest.


"What the fuck–"

"Let me explai–"

"You don't get to say anything right now," she growls, pressing further in her chest, making the Kryptonian stumble back a bit on reflex. "You lied to me for years without telling me you were alien or, hell, Supergirl! All those cancels on lunch dates," she says with a push in her chest, making her step back more as she kept doing it with every point, "canceled dinners, bar nights, game nights, weird absences during girls nights, bailing on me last week when I was dealing with James. 

"Every. Single. Excuse," she said with three more shoves until she was against a wall, "was all because of this." She gestured up and down at the blonde, clad in her super suit as the Luthor was now in tears, both in anger and sadness. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because I didn't want to endanger you more, and I should've known if I just was straight with you with everything, it would be less difficult when these sorts of things happen." Lena does the unexpected and slaps her cheek. Considering that she was exposed to kryptonite, it stung a little.

Kara winced, putting her head back in place from when it moved from the hit, seeing two tears coming from Lena in front of her. "I'm sorry and not at the same time."

She shrugged, head going side to side. "Understandable."

"Never lie to me again, do you understand me, Kara?"

The Kryptonian took her hand and kissed the back of it, squeezing it as Lena blushed slightly, stunned at her motion. "I promise."

Lena recovered, clearing her throat. "Good. Now let's go get that son of a bitch brother of mine."

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