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20. "I don't want to hear your excuse. You can't just give me wet-willies."

The CEO taps her foot on the floorboard, looking down at her watch from her crossed arms and sighed. "Kara, come on."

"I can't go!" she whines from the bedroom. "I don't feel good."

"Babe," she sighs, her heels clicking over and back to the bedroom, sitting on the edge next to her girlfriend, who was face down on the pillows of their bed. "We've been over this countless of times."

Kara turned her head to look up at her. "There's no way am I going to a press conference to discuss our relationship, insides and out." It was the only way to get the tabloids to stop saying Lena was in a polyamorous relationship with the city's hero.

"Well, I know that my Kryptonian girlfriend does not get sick," Lena says, pressing a hand to her forehead to even prove it, even though the normal overly-warm body of hers was normal to her. 

"Or I could be in a mood where I don't want to leave the apartment and just cuddle here with you."

The Luthor chuckled. "Baby, as much as I love not leaving this apartment and cuddling with you, never wanting to leave your arms," she says, bending over to kiss her forehead and staying there to look her girlfriend deep in the eyes. "We have to do this."

A tick of the Kryptonian's was chewing on her pinkie, which meant she was either nervous or thinking. "Don't wanna," she says through the finger.

"I know, baby," the brunette says, peppering her face with kisses, making her squirm under her and chuckle. "But do you want to see the tabloids saying that I'm dating your alter ego?"

"But you're dating just Kara."

"But they don't need to know you're Supergirl, now do they?"

Kara sucks on her finger for a moment. "What if I sent J'onn to do it for me? I probably could," she mused.

Lena had to laugh at that one. "Babe, I don't think he would with a quick mind scan to my head."

"What if there's an emergency?" she exclaims, sitting up.

"Honey," Lena says, placing a hand on her thigh. "The city can survive without Supergirl for almost an hour. And if something does happen, we've got a Dreamer, Director, and a Legionnaire to stop 'em."

"What if I did something? Would that let us stay?"

She shrugs. "Depends on what you did."

Kara took that same pinkie finger and stuck it in her ear, making Lena shriek and her chuckle. "Kara! What the hell?"

She shrugged. "You said if I did something. Had to try."

Lena stares hard at her. "I repeat: what the hell?"

"I just want to stay home and not go to the stupid press conference," Kara whines, flopping back down on the bed.

"I don't want to hear your excuses. You can't just give me wet-willies." Lena stood up and grabbed her hand to pull her off the bed. "Let's go, Kara."

"Make me," she pouted as she slid off the bed and hovered horizontally, leveled with the bed, her ponytail falling due to gravity, almost making Lena laugh but she kept a stern face.

"No potstickers or sex for a week, then." She tapped her chin in thought to sell it. "Maybe two."

Kara sighed aggravatedly and in defeat as she floated horizontally and stuck her finger in Lena's ear again, making her shriek. "Be ready in a few," she says as she speeds to the bathroom.


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