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based off a tiktok I saw from @/blackbeak172 and I got this idea, hope you all like it

"Lena, dear, would you go find Alex and Kara?" Eliza asks, passing Sam the salt and pepper to set on the table. "I think they went upstairs."

"Yeah, of course." The four from National City, plus Ruby, decided to go spend Christmas in Midvale. Kara only thought it was right to bring over Lena, since she was already a part of the family since before she knew she was Supergirl. And it felt... right, to Lena. Midvale was homey. With all the smells, the environment, the people, the stories, the laughs... She didn't want it to end.

Hell, she even let Kara put a Christmas sweater on her! She danced with her around the kitchen to Christmas jingles as they made cookies, both of them entranced by their gazes, playful glances up and down from their eyes and lips, neither of them making a move... It was like a perfect lesbian romance movie.

Well, it basically is.

Lena stops at the sound of raised voices in the room across the hallway, squinting out of confusion. The Danvers sisters don't normally yell at each other, it's normally over something stupid, rarely an urgent yelling conversation, but this sounded serious. 

She inches closer to the cracked door, knowing she might regret what she's about to do, but listens in anyway.

"Kara, there's something you're not telling me and you need to spit it out," Alex tells her sister, crossing her arms and shifting her weight as she stares at her. 

"The fuck are you talking about?" That too, was rare for the blonde, so she was obviously pissed off.

"Kara, you've been hiding something for the almost week that we've been here!" Alex exclaims. "Regardless what it's about, I know you're hiding something." 

"Promise you won't tell Lena about this?"

"What does she have to do with this!?"

"I'm in love with her!" Kara says loudly, urging them both to a silence at the volume she was at, even Lena stopped breathing. "Okay?!!" She sighed, running a hand over her hair, slapping her arms down. "If you're looking for the word, it means caring about someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything they want, no matter how much it destroys you, it's love. And when you love someone, you just, you can't stop. Ever. And-and I can't stop, I haven't been able to stop since I came clean with her after the Pulitzer, especially when I went through all of that shit with her. And after that, I realized that I can't go through that with her again, I can't lose her again, I can't have her thinking that I don't care about her, that I don't love her. Because it's the complete opposite. I love her so much, I was such an idiot to be so oblivious to her flirting with me in the beginning."

"Wait, she openly flirted with you yet you didn't do shit?"

"Oh, shut up, you were dealing with Maggie, I couldn't bother you with my gay shit."

"So are you gonna keep being dumb or are you gonna tell her you're in love with her? 'Cause I know she's her 'cause she's family, but you being you and always having a special place for her in your heart—"

"Relax, I'll do something soon. I was gonna tell her the night we were making cookies but then you, Sam and Ruby came back with the wood."

"I'm sorry, did you wanna freeze your ass off?"

"I'm Kryptonian, I don't freeze."

"Bite me." Kara raises her eyebrows and suppresses a chuckle, but the two end up laughing at each other, Alex hugging her. "You'll be fine, Kara. Just... be you and take your time."

"Yeah, no biggie." Lena takes this opportunity and straightens herself out, knocking on the door, startling the two. "Yeah?"

She pokes her head in, smiling. "Dinner's ready."

"Oh, yes, I love Mom's ham." Alex slithers past her and practically runs down the stairs drooling.

Kara wrings her fingers as Lena chuckles at her. "You're usually the one to run down first at the mention of food, come on!"

"Did you happen to hear any of that conversation?" 

Lena's smile fades as she closes the door behind her, scratching the nape of her neck. "Depends. Are we still hiding secrets from each other?"

The blonde sighs, closing her eyes and turning her head to the side as if she were slapped. "Yeah, I deserved that."

"So yes, I heard everything."

Kara's brow furrowed as she looked back at her. "Wait. You're not mad at me?"

"Of course not, why would I be mad at you for being in love with me?" she scoffs with a smile. "It's not ridiculous, it's human feelings."

"I'm Kryptonian."

"Yet you have feelings," Lena teases as she draws closer to her. "Feelings for me." She accentuates her last word with a poke in Kara's chest, grinning smugly when she saw her blush.

"Is there a problem with that?"

"Absolutely not because I may have been hiding that same secret from you myself." Lena bunches up her own sweater in her hand as she lays it on the blonde's red sweater, flicking her eyes up and down as she heard her labored breath. "Is... that okay?"

"More than okay, actually," she said softly, stepping closer so their fronts were touching, both waiting to make a move. 

"Lena, if you're not out in five seconds, I'm throwing away all your kale," Sam's teasing-yet-serious voice came from the other side of the door. "Kara, I'll eat all the chocolate pecan pie."

Kara groans as she tilts her head back. "Fuck you, Sam." She looks back down at Lena. "Later?"

The shorter one reaches up on her toes to press a small kiss to the corner of her mouth. "Later." Kara smiles and goes to the door, playfully shoving her friend out of the way when she gave her the finger.

Sam leaned against the wall as Lena closed the door behind her. "What was that all about?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Bull. Shit. Come on, her pupils were blown! Oh look, so are yours. And you're blushing—"

"I'll give you a fifteen percent raise if you kindly shut the fuck up."

With a shit-eating grin, Sam pushes herself off the wall. "Gladly."

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