Thank You

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Lena folded her hands over each other, wringing them slightly as she walked came into the private room in the prison where Lillian was sitting in her gray jumpsuit, handcuffed to the table.

"Lena, dear. Surprise visit? Come to record some needed information again?"

Her daughter slid into the chair, lacing her fingers with one another as she stared at her mother, jaw moving as she swallowed thickly, studying her for any given emotion. When Lillian gives her a small tick to the side movement from her head, Lena speaks in a raw, broken voice, tears skimming her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asks with a small shake of her head. "After so many opportunities since you've met her, interacted with her or me, kidnapped or tortured her, you could've just told me. Why?"

Lillian is tight-lipped, looking down at her chains for a moment, thinking. "Because I told her that you would hate her when she did. And I was right."

"I don't hate her." Her mother sat up in surprise, tilting her head. Lena bites her lip, letting it roll out from under her teeth as she glares at her. "I haven't and will never. But I do hate you."

"There's no surprise there."

"There's something we could agree on." The brunette wipes away her tears gently. "But if you ever threaten Kara or my friends again, regardless if you're out of here or not, we will take you down." Lillian does nothing but watch her as she gets up with a scrape of her chair, going for the door.

"Why were you crying?" Those words of faux concern from her torturous mother made her laugh to herself, slowly turning around.

Lena shrugged as she had a smile on her face. "Because I was dumb enough to really trust you all my life. But mainly fear."

"Luthors don't have fear, they induce it," Lillian seethes, clutching her fists.

"I'm not like the other Luthors." She shakes her head with that same smile as the door opens, Kara standing there and holding it for her. Lena looks back at the blonde and then at the prisoner. "I have a heart. I'm good. I'm worthy of love and friendship. You and Lex on the other hand, are quite the opposite of that." She waggles her fingers at her and takes Kara's offered hand, kissing it when the door closed. "Thank you, love."

"You did all the work, Lee, you don't have to thank me for anything."

She shook her head. "Not for today. For being honest with me. Regardless of how long it took." Kara blushed and kissed her hair, squeezing her hand in support. "Noonans?"


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