Smooth, Danvers. Smooth

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inspired by DKGwrites's text post on Instagram 

Kara pops her bubble gum and glances over at her friend from leaning on the locker next to hers. "Lee, mind if I asked you a random question?"

 "You just did, Danvers." The glare the brunette gets causes her to laugh and soon forces her companion to grin and roll her eyes along with her. "Alright, hit me. Ow." She feigns pain as she rubs her bicep where the blonde fake-punched her. "Not funny."

"You thought my question was funny."

"No, I thought your glare was funny." Lena pauses from putting a book in her bag, tilting her head and shrugging, correcting herself as she continues. "Well, not really, it's just, well, I feel intimidated by a cupcake." She glances over back at her friend and has to snicker when she sends her another glare. "Kar, your beanie, glasses, and letterman jacket do nothing to me."

Kara slides her glasses down her nose with one finger, an eyebrow raised and a devilish grin as she looks over her spectacles at her. "You sure 'bout that?" she asks lowly with a wink.

Lena shoves her away with a roll of her eyes to hide her blush, making her friend laugh as she faux stumbles off. "Alright, alright, what do you want?"

"When are you gonna be done with your locker?"

A raise of a deadly eyebrow and a side glance over to the taller one. "That's the question you wanted to ask?" she retorted with an accented slam of her locker.

"Well, you answered," Kara muttered with a shrug, walking down the hall slowly with her. "Why don't you have a girlfriend?" It was their junior year and throughout the five years they've known each other, Lena's never had a girlfriend, much less a date. Being an infamous Luthor gave her that while the school's first female quarterback got all the dates and looks from the girls—and guys—but she declined them all.

Lena almost snorts but instead shakes her head with an amused half-grin. "It's 'cause I'm a Luthor."

This time it was Kara's turn to push her friend to the side, this time making her grin full. "Seriously."

"Well, I could ask you the same question." They both make eye contact as they slightly slow down to maintain the gaze, both of them feeling their cheeks warm up the slightest.

Kara clears her throat, scratching the back of her neck with her free hand that wasn't holding onto her backpack strap. "I asked you first and technically you didn't ask me."

"Fair enough." Lena stopped them at a doorway of the stairwell, leaning back on the doorframe to look at her as she leant against the middle beam. "It's because mother dearest has made it clear that I can't date until after college." There's disgust in her voice even if she didn't particularly show it; her hands went into her jean pockets as she stared off at nothing before coming back to the present after feeling a stare on her. She juts her chin up at the football player. "Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

Kara shrugged, readjusting her grip on her bag. "Because your mother won't let you date until after college."

Lena couldn't stop her mouth from dropping, nor the blush on the face that came from her toes to her cheeks as her mouth opened and closed like a fish, trying to find words, which was only making the blonde smirk more. The only word she got out was "Oh" in a small whisper before deciding to look down at her black Vans, finding them very interesting all of a sudden. 

When she saw Kara's sneakers in front of hers, her breath stilled when the small wave of her cologne came when a single finger raised her chin up so they were meeting eye to eye once more, just noticing that her other hand was above her head, somewhat trapping her; she was also so close to her, but didn't mind at all as usual.

"Go on a date with me?" the blonde whispered. "Your mom could never find out." 

A mischevious grin accompanied with her wink sent shudders through Lena. Something exciting and dangerous. 

"What time and where?" she asked back in a murmur.

"I'll text you the details later before school ends."

"Secretive," Lena purrs.

"More like a surprise."

She shrugs as she plays with the front of her jacket, eyes daring as they flick back up at her. "Same diff."

Kara shook her head with that same grin as the bell rang. "You're somethin' else, Luthor." She ducks her head down to kiss her cheek swiftly and gently, walking off backwards to say to her, "See you later, nerd."

"Love you too, you jock." Kara's laughter rang down the hall, following the brunette as she smiled all the way to first period up the stairs.

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